Chapter 56

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5 days later

Today was Saturday so I met up with Shelby, Ariana, and Chloe at the mall and we all went in Chloe's car. Mia didn't go with us because she was going with Hallie and Abby. The campsite was only about 40 minutes away so the drive wasn't too far. When we got to the campsite, Brad, Tyler, Gabe, and Jacob were there. When we got out of the car they already had their tent set up. "Damn how did you get that set up so quick?", Shelby asked. "My brother was in boyscouts and he showed me how to set up a tent", Tyler said. "Could you maybe help us out?", Ariana asked. "I could but I don't feel like it", Tyler said. "You're mean", Ari said. "I'll help you", Jacob said. "Thank you Jacob, fuck you Tyler", Shelby said. "Yeah I bet that you'd wanna do that", Tyler said. "Ha you're so funny", Shelby said. "You cant even get your mom ty", Gabe said. "Oh shit", Chloe said. "At least I can keep a girl happy", Tyler said to Gabe referring to Chloe. "I was happy but we just wanted to stay best friends",Chloe said. "I bet he sucked at making out", Tyler said. "No I'm the best kisser around", Gabe said. "You're so funny", Brad said. "Prove it", Jacob said. "I will", Gabe said. He went right up to Chloe and kissed her and it became heated. "Get a room", Jacob said. They immediately pulled away after that. "How does that mean nothing to you?", I asked. "Because we're just friends", Chloe said. "And friends don't feel that way about eachother", Gabe said. "How does it feel Bella?", Tyler asked. "How does what feel?", I asked. "To have your ex boyfriends here and your current boyfriend here", he asked. "Well me, Brad, and Brandon are friends so we're good", I said. "It shouldn't be weird because we always hangout", Brad said. Just as Jacob finished helping, Connor, Daniel, Josh, Brandon, Hayes, and Dante showed up. "Hey you", Hayes said and kissed my cheek. "Hi". "Wanna help me set up the tent for us?". "I don't really know how to do that". "Me neither but if you help me, we can take a walk to the lake later tonight". "Deal", I said and shook his hand. After that we walked to where we wanted to set up out tent and I got the tent out of the car. "Ah Bella why did you get a pink tent?". "Because pink is my favorite color", I said innocently. "You're so cute but you drive me crazy". "Crazy in a good way, or bad way?". "Both". "Well that's not a bad thing I guess". After spending 45 minutes of trying to put the tent up, Hayes bribed Tyler to put it up for us. "That was too much work", I said. "Yeah I'm never doing that again". "I'm sooooo bored". "Enjoy the nature Bella". "I can't enjoy nature without wifi". "Can you enjoy a nature hike?". "Probably not". "Let's go", he said grabbing my hand while practically dragging me. Connor and Dante followed us and the four of us went on a walk. When we started walking it was really rocky and I was worried that I was gonna fall or slip because I'm really clumsy. I grabbed onto Hayes' hand and held a tight grip the whole time. "Bella what are you doing?", he asked. "I'm not falling". "Yeah but you're hurting my hand and your hand is really sweaty". "I'm scared that I'm gonna fall off a cliff". "You're a baby", Dante said. "Yeah but she's my baby", Hayes said. "Damn Hayes, when did you turn all softie?", Connor asked. "I am not a softie", Hayes said. "Yeah bro you kinda are", Dante said. We kept on talking while we climbed many hills until we got to the top. "Wow, I'm never doing that again", I said. "Me neither", Dante said. "Y'all are both baby's", Connor said. "This view is breathtaking", I said. "This view is rocks", Hayes said. "Bella are you blind?", Dante asked. "No but I just wanted to say that because we climbed all this way". "We should climb back down cuz Ariana texted me that lunch is ready", Connor said. "Yeah I'm starving", Hayes said. "Let's go",. While we went down the mountain we discovered that it was really steep and I almost fell twice because it was so steep. When we got back to the campsite Ariana, Josh, Brandon, Mia, Daniel, Chloe, Shelby, Brad, Gabe , Tyler, Abby, Jacob, and Hallie were playing keep it up with a volleyball. "How was your walk?", Shelby asked. "Horrible", Connor said. "Why", Shelby asked. "Because all we saw was rocks", Connor said. "But maybe Bella saw something more because apperantly it was an "amazing view", Dante said. Everyone started laughing at me and I just sat there really quiet. "Aw Bella take a joke", Hayes said while putting his arm around me. "It wasn't that funny", I said. "I'm gonna have to disagree", Brandon said. "You know what's even more funny?", I asked Brandon. "What?", he asked. I walked up to his tent and started to take it apart until it fell. Everyone started to laugh even harder and Brandon shot me a dirty look. "You're helping me put this backup", Brandon said. "We'll see about that", I said while walking away. I wasn't being rude to Brandon, we were just playing like we usually do. I walked to the food table and sat down. "Are you hungry?", Hayes asked. "Not really". Every Time Hayes talks to me I feel guilty for trying to get him to come with me and  I know what's best for the both of us but every time he comes around my stomach hurts. "Are you ok?, you're not acting like yourself today", he said while sitting next to me. "I'm fine, I think I'm just feeling homesick", I said but I lied. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel at home?", he asked. "No, I think I'm just gonna lie down for a bit", I said. "Want me to come with you?". "Umm, no I think I just need time alone for a little if you don't mind". "I don't mind, take your time".  As I started to walk away he grabbed my hand and turned me around to face him, and he kissed the top of my head. I gave him a little smile and walked to the tent. When I got into the tent I blew up the air mattress and I decided to lay down and think. I started to think about the future and it scared me a little. I thought that "what if Hayes left me and I forced him to Connecticut, and I couldn't get rid of him or worse, over him". That was the worst thought I had in my head and I couldn't stop thinking. After thinking my mind drifted to sleep and so did my body.

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