Chapter 53

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6 months later (March )

Tonight I was going on a date with Hayes so I decided to wear a little black dress. I got my makeup on and I was out the door when I got a text.

Hayes- I'm really busy tonight, can we reschedule?

Me- yeah sure

I'm kinda upset that he cancelled but I might as well go enjoy myself. I hopped in my car and decided to go to Starbucks. When I got there I got in line to order. I ordered a Venti caramel frappachino because I usually drink and eat a lot when I'm upset about something. Before I got to Starbucks I took off my dress and put on a pair of jeans and a top. I sat down at a seat and I started texting Shelby. I sat there texting her for a half an hour until I looked up and I saw Hayes walk in. When he walked in I saw Nicole follow behind him. I saw them sit down and talk for awhile. I eventually got up and approached them. I tapped on his shoulder to get his attention and he looked up at me.

"Hey", I said

I started to walk away and I heard him get up and he followed me outside.

"Bella I can explain".

"I don't wanna hear it".

"Just please let me".

"What, did she have a better offer?, did she wanna "chill" with you?".

"It's not like that".

"Then what?, you blow me off to go off with another girl and lie to me about it".

"Bell she was tutoring me".

"I don't care, you didn't have to lie about it".

"I didn't want you to think I was dumb".

"I didn't think you were ever dumb until now".

"Wow that hurts".

"You clearly don't care about this relationship as much as I do".

"I really do care about us".

"Forget it, go be with Nicole, I don't care".

"I never wanted to be with her".

"I doesn't seem like that".

"How, I'm trying my best to keep you happy but you're being ungrateful".

"You're always with her and you're blowing me off to study".

"It's not my fault that I want to get into a good college, it's not my fault that I want a career and money so that I can have a family".

"You could've told me the truth".

"I should've"

"If you don't want to be with me just break up with me".

"I wanna be with you, you just need to understand that I'm trying to work on myself".

"I can tutor you".

"The last time you tutored me we were sophomores and you hated me until I kissed you and we got back together and I got distracted".

"That's true".

"If it bothers you that much, I'll find another tutor .


"But you can't tell anyone about my tutor".


He pulled me in for a small hug and I gave him a fake smile.

"Here's the Bella I love".

"Yup she's here", I said while fake smiling.

We decided to leave Starbucks without telling Nicole and we kept her waiting until she noticed that we left.

After Starbucks, he came over my house and no one was home. We sat on my couch and watched tv. I fell asleep on his shoulder and he didn't wake me up, he wanted me to sleep. I woke up around 12:00 am and he was still up. I pretended to keep on sleeping and then he kissed the top of my head. "I know you're up babe". "I just woke up". "I'll go to sleep now, and you should go back to sleep". "ok". "Sweet dreams beautiful". After he said this I stayed awake looking around the room and I started to think. What if him and Nicole have a thing?, what if he doesn't like me anymore?, what if he's lying to me? I feel so paranoid and I can't take it anymore. I got up to get water and I felt my eyes getting teary. I don't know what our future holds because we go to college soon and I don't know if I can do long distance. I sat up and Hayes grabbed my waist. "Where are you going?", he asked. "I'm worried". "About what?". "Everything". "Bella what's on your mind?". "Never mind it's stupid". "Nothing you do is stupid, so tell me". "Do we have a future?". "Of course, I love you and I hope that you like me back". "I love you too it's just, it's getting hard for me to trust my feelings". "I'm here for you". "Thanks for everything". "I'm just trying to be the boy that you're with forever". "I love the way you think like that". "I want the best for you". "Let's go up to my room". We waked up to my room and we layed down on the bed and he pulled me in close and played with my hair and I played with his. "You're so beautiful", he said and kissed me. "I'm ok", I said. He kissed me again and this time it was hard and rough but I liked it. We both sat up and kissed again and we layed back down. "The day we decide to have kids will be the best day of my life", he said. I wanted to laugh but I knew he was serious and I didn't want to ruin the moment. I pulled the covers over my head and got under and he put his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. I grabbed his hand and put it into mine and we drifted to sleep.

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