Chapter 63

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6 days later (the party)

Riley's pov
After spending nearly 2 hours getting ready Miles picked me up. I decided to wear a yellow sundress with a jean jacket and I straightened my hair. When Miles came to the house he told me that his senior friend was driving us. As we walked in he put his arm around me and I saw Jesse and Skylar looking at us. "I'm gonna go talk to Jesse and Skylar", I said. "Go ahead".  When I got to Skylar she looked happy but Jesse looked pissed off. "Why are you so happy, Sky?", I asked. "Oh me and Jesse were talking", she said. "That's great". "So I saw you and miles walk in together", she said. "Yeah I think we're getting back together", I said and I looked over at Jesse and he walked away. "What's wrong with him?". "Who knows, some girl probably rejected him". "Omg stop sky", I said and we started laughing. As sky and I were talking we saw Bella walk in so we walked up to her. "Hi guys", Bella said. "Hey", I said. "So did you and miles come here together?". "Yeah and I'm happy about that". "Why?", she asked. "Because I have a good feeling about me and him this time and I trust him". "Thats great", Bella said.

Bella's pov
Riley's become such a good friend to me but I don't trust miles at all. I was looking around for Hayes when I saw Jesse sitting alone. "Hey Jesse", I said. "Hey", he said giving me a small wave. "Are you mad that her and miles are gonna get back together?". "Of course I am, I like Riley but she doesn't even know and she wouldn't even care". "I think she's going a little nuts because any girl would be lucky to have you". "Thanks Bella". "Anytime and I say that her and miles only last a month". "I hope". "Me too". "Before you go I have to tell you something", he said. "K". "Miles is cheating on her but I don't wanna tell her". "How do you know?". "I saw pictures of them kissing on Sadie's snapchat last night". "You have to tell her". "I can't". "Why not?". "She already knows that I don't like miles and she'll think that I'm trying to sabotage her and miles". "Jesse I don't know what to do". "What if we get them to kiss infront of Riley". "How?". "By chanting or something". "Oh". "But I also don't wanna hurt her". "The only way you'll hurt her is by letting her be with a fuckboy". "That's true, I'm gonna go get Riley". As I turned around the corner I saw miles with another girl who wasn't Sadie. I shot miles a dirty look and he winked at me. I saw Riley coming around the corner and I saw Miles and the other girl walk into a closet. "Hey why did you need me?", Sadie asked. "Can you do me a favor and get my coat from the closet?", I asked. Jesse looked at me with a confused look. "Yeah I'll be back", she said and headed towards the closet. "Where's Miles?", he asked. "In the closet".

Riley's pov

I walked into the closet to find Bella's jacket and I turned the light on and I saw miles and some random girl kissing . "Miles?", I said. He pulled away from the girl and looked at be and said "Riley I can explain". I walked out of the closet and he followed me out. "How could you?", I asked. "It was a mistake". "I made a mistake by trusting you". "She kissed me". "Yeah and you kissed her back". "It was a mistake". "And I can't believe I almost got back together with you". "You're not so innocent". "How?". "You cheat on me all of the time". "I can't believe you'd say that", I said and ran away. I ran out of the house and I walked to the park. As I was running I felt someone following me. "Riles?", someone said. "Leave me alone", I said and wiped my tears. "It's Jesse, if you want to talk". I didn't reaping and he sat next to me on the bench. "You were right about him", I said. "It's ok". "I can't believe I blew off time with you to be with him, I'm such an idiot". No you're not, your nice, sweet, and pretty". "Thanks Jesse but that doesn't cheer me up". "You don't need a guy to cheer you up Riley, you're a strong girl and I know that". "Thanks Jesse, I needed that". I hugged him tight and I didn't want to let go because he was just so warm and my heart started to flip. After 2 minutes of hugging I pulled away and I felt myself leaning in and he leaned in too until I heard Skylar call my name. "Where have you two been?", she asked. "Miles cheated on me". "What?, how?, why?", she asked. "Ask him". "Im so sorry". "It's whatever". "What are you doing here Jesse?", Skylar asked. "I was walking home and I saw her". "Oh let's go my moms here Riley, do you need a ride Jesse?". "Nope". "See you on Monday", she said. As I was walking to the car I looked back at Jesse and smiled and he nodded his head at me.

Bella's pov
After the whole cheating thing I found Hayes and we decided to leave the party. "That was interesting", he said. "Yeah I guess but that's why I don't trust everyone". "You trust me, right?". "Definitely". "So have you picked your prom dress out for next week". "Yeah". "I bet it looks great". "It does and I know you'll love it". "I bet I will". "So have you got your tux yet?". "Yeah, Nash gave me his so I've had it for awhile". "Good". "I can't wait for next week". "Wow I didn't know that you'd be this excited for prom". "I'm am but I have a big surprise for after". "I hate surprises". "I know but this will be good". "Promise?". He grabbed my pinky, wrapped around his and said "promise". He pulled up to the front of his house and I was ready to go until I dropped my phone in the backseat. "I dropped my phone and I can't find it", I said. "I'll help you look", he said and crawled in the backseat and helped me search. As we were looking he looked at me the same time I looked at him and we got caught in a daze. "And this is how we got started", he said. "I believe so". He kissed me once and pulled away and looked at me. "What's wrong?", I asked. "You're just so beautiful". "Look at yourself". He kissed me again more intensely and he kissed me until I layed fully on my back. He kissed me until his phone started to ring and I pulled away. "Ignore that", he said. I grabbed his phone and picked it up and put it on speaker, it was Nash.

Nash- dude are you home?
Hayes- no
Nash- then why do I see your car in the driveway?
Hayes looked at me and whispered "shit".
Hayes- I'm just pulling in
Nash- good cuz mom texted me to tell you to come home at your regular curfew even though she's not here.
Hayes- ok I'll be in, bye

After he hung up he said "he caught us and I need to go in". "No you need to drop me off". "I will, just wait in here and I'll tell Nash I'm going to bed and I'll be back for you". "Ok but don't forget". "I won't". He ran out of the car and I continued to look for my phone. After 5 minutes of looking I found it and I decided to lay down and wait.

The next morning
I woke up in Hayes' car and I was really pissed. It was 6:30 am and I know Hayes doesn't get up until 10 but since he forgot I'm gonna wake him up. I decided to call his cell phone and he didn't pick up the first time so I kept on calling him until he picked up in a pissy mood. "Bella what do you want?, it's 6:30", he said. "I want to be dropped off". "Huh", he said in a sleepy raspy voice. "You forgot about me". "What are you talking about?". "Last night you said you'd be back to drop me off". "Shit, where are you?". "In your car". "I'll be there in a minute", he said and hung up. When he came he was shirtless and had joggers on. "Did you sleep well?", he asked. "No". "So while your here can you babysit tonight?". "Why?". "It's a surprise". "Am I getting paid?". "Yeah I'll give you $4 an hour". "I think I need a raise". "Fine how does 8 sound?". "Great". "Be over at 7:00". "Ok I will", I said as he parked in my driveway. "Love you", he said. "Love you too", I said and pecked his lips. After he dropped me off I decided to do homework and I had to write a 5 page Spanish essay on the culture in Spain . After working for about 5 hours it was 12:30 and I forgot to eat food so my stomach really hurt so I made myself a turkey sandwich. After spending all day doing nothing it was 6:45 and I made my way to Hayes' house. When I got to the house Skylynn was watching frozen and she was in the middle of singing let it go. "She is too cute", I said to Hayes. "She's ok, so I fed her and she needs to be in bed by 9:30". "I know all of this I've watched her before". "I'm just reminding you". "Yeah, yeah see you later". I sat on the couch next to Skylynn who had a stuffed horse in her hand. "I love frozen", she said. "What's your favorite song?". "Do you wanna build a snowman?". "Who's your favorite character?". "Olaf because he's cute". "Don't forget, he gives warm hugs". "Just like my brother". "Which one?". "All of them but mostly Hayes". "That's sweet". "Are you two getting married?". "Hopefully one day". "I hope you do because I'll make you a pretty horsey wedding dress". "Really sky, thank you". "But since I'm making you the dress you need to give me ice cream". "Deal". We headed into the kitchen and I gave her chocolate ice cream. After 3 hours Hayes came home and I had already put sky to bed. "Was she good?", he asked. "Yeah she was great and guess what?, she's gonna make me a horse dress for our wedding". "Wedding?". "It's a joke". "Good cuz I'm not ready for that kind of commitment". "Me neither". "So I got things for next week ready and you're gonna love it". "That's great, I can't wait". "I can't wait to see you in your dress". "That's sweet". "I know". "Don't get too cocky". "That's my middle name". "Whatever, I gotta go but I'll see you on Monday". "Let me walk you out", he said and led me to the door. He opened my car door for me and I started to laugh. "What are you doing?", I asked. "Practicing for next week". "Ha that's funny". "I know but I don't wanna hit you with the door". "Goodnight", I said and closed the door.

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