Chapter 47

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I was sleeping until I was woken up by Cameron screaming "Bella wake up your boy toy is here!". I walked down with my hair messy and with my pajamas on and I didn't really care at the moment.

"Hi, I said and I side hugged Hayes.

"Morning beautiful, he said back.

Cameron started fake gagging

"Cam once you get a girlfriend you'll understand, I said".

"No it's that you're dating my best friend's brother and my best friend's brother is my bro and my bro can't date my sis cuz we're all related, he said".

"Ha ha no, I said".

"But it makes sense, Hayes said.

"Shut up, I said".

"See even your boy toy agrees with me, cam said".

"If you call him my boy toy one more time I'm gonna beat the...".

"Woah, woah, woah language babe, Hayes said".

"Yeah babe, cam said".

"That's it, I said and I jumped on his back.

Hayes grabbed me off of Cameron's back and I was still trying to jump on him until my mom came in the kitchen.

I jumped off of cam really fast before my mom saw

"Whatcha kids up too?, she asked.

"Nothing, I said".

"Well I'm gonna go to the store, you guys need anything?, she asked.

"Yeah not a bitchy Bella, Cameron said.

"What was that?, she asked.

"I'll take goldfish, I said.

"Ok, I'll be back soon, she said.

When she left I tried to jump on him again but then my phone vibrated. Shelby texted me.

Shelby💁🏻- come over cuz everyone's coming so yeah

Me- oh k

Shelby💁🏻- hurry up

I ran up the stairs and got dressed and I ran back down the stairs

"Hayes can you drive me to Shelby's house?, I asked".

"Say no, cam said".

"I can't say no cuz I'm going over there too, Hayes said.

"Ok yay, I said.

We walked out hand in hand together and he drove to her house

When we got there Dante, Ariana , and Connor were the only ones there so far. We all sat on the floor and started talking.

"Where is the senior trip this year?, Connor asked.

"Florida I think, Ariana said.

"Yeah it's Florida, Shelby said.

"I can't wait to see all the hot babes, Connor said.

"Me neither, Dante said.

"But don't you like Mia, I asked.

"She's nothing compared to the Florida babes, Dante said.

"You do know she was born in Florida, Hayes asked.

"Psh of course I knew that, he said.

"Knew what?, Mia said walking in.

"Knew that I was hungry, Dante said.

"Well ok then, she said.

After 5 minutes everyone arrived and we all sat down.

"Dude I have an idea, Chloe said.

"Does it involve me in it, Jacob asked.

"Yeah it involves all of us, Chloe said.

"What is it?, Tyler asked.

"We should take one last trip together, Chloe said.

"That's what the senior trip is for, Brandon said.

"No I mean as our little group, Chloe said.

"That's true because we've all been really close for the past four years, I said.

"I'm down, Brad said.

"Me too, Shelby and Ari said.

"Us too; Dante, Tyler, Hayes, Daniel, Gabe, Jacob, Daniel, Josh and Connor said.

"Me three, Mia said.

"Where should we go?, Ariana asked.

"Let's go not too far and not too close, Shelby said.

"We could go to Georgia, Jacob said.

"Or South Carolina, Daniel said.

"Or Virginia, Hayes said.

"Let's vote, Chloe said.

"All who vote for Georgia raise your hands, Chloe said.

Jacob, Gabe, and Chloe raised their hands.

"People who vote for South Carolina raise your hands, Daniel said.

Daniel, Josh, Shelby,Tyler, and Mia raised their hands.

"Ok now Virginia, I said.

Me, Ariana, Connor, Hayes, Brad, Dante, and Brandon raised our hands.

"Ok I guess we're going to Virginia, Chloe said.

"Let's do a weekend there, Shelby said.

"Yeah let's do it next weekend, Ariana said.

"Ok I'll ask, I said.

"Yay so I'll book it and stuff, Chloe said.

After that we just hung around and played games and stuff. After awhile we all got tiered and went home the only problem for me about going on the trip is that my mom is really strict and I have to get her to say yes.

Starting over (Hayes Grier fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang