Spread the Girl Love

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As a lot of you are well aware of, Bullying is something that has been affecting multiple people around the globe for years and years. Victim after victim is right now at this precise moment, calling out for help, but is never heard.

Not so long ago, YouTuber sensation, Lilly Syngh aka: iiSuperwomanii, had started this Campaign called: Spread the Girl Love: Against Girl to Girl Hate. And honestly, is truly inspiring.

In honor of this motivational movement, users on this web site: -tiawrites , nonfictionsim and @wonderhayes wanted to approach the chance that there's like a million users on here, so they spread the campaign here too! Which in my opinion, is amazing and so thoughtful that they want to help.

But, you can form part of this too, you can be the reason of someone smiling today, the reason that someone feels safe and secure, instead of down and depressed. You can be the one that could put a stop to the misery of millions of people in constant need for help and comfort.

Please, follow the user: spreadthegirllove and join the cause. Believe me, you will not regret it. . .

Thank you for reading and understanding.

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