☆ Our Fear ☆

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Your not fine~

As I stare at him anger flowing through me.

Don't give me that look doll~
I flickered my eyes over his emotions he was in a serious mood.

I huffed and turned ad I turned walking away as I hear a low growl.

Your such a child Yui~ as his foot steps from behind me appearing in front of me as I open my eyes to meet his golden stare.

Where are you going?~ he asks Crossing his arms never breaking eye contact.

I was getting pretty pissed off. "I thought we had 'work' to do",.

Don't play with me yui, you know what I do with bad girls~ his gaze lit with lust of his words.

I frowwed my brows and fixed him with a serious look.

"I don't have time for your sexual needs at the moment Hisoka", I mumble as his eyes darken.

In the car now!~ he speaks with vemon.

I walk obitenlty to the car and jump off the building as his body walked behind me. As I sat in the car as he gets in and shuts the door and speeds off.

After a moment of silence as he flickers his gaze at me every minute or two.

As I look out the window ignoreing him as him hand moved over my leg as his nails dug into my thigh.

A lit moan slipped through my mouth as he moved around as I focused on the window seeing his figure in it as his golden eyes are a dark golden brown.

"What's next on our job",I ask changing the topic of silence.

His face never showed any emotion after that he removed his hand from my thigh.

'We got to go met the boss for another report'~ Hisoka stared bordly as he drove.

I turned my attention to see a large cut on the side of his arm. It looked painful but of course Hisoka doesn't show it.

"I'm guessing that man had his small victory", as my gaze moved to a small aid kit to my right.

'He used nen mixed with Ren , I've never seen that before till I met you'~ his eyes flickered to me and back to the road.

Oh.... That must be why this is here I thought as I put rubbing alcohol as he hissed at it, frowning at his reaction.

As we pulled up to a bunch of old broken down buildings I gave Hisoka a questioning look.

He rolled his eyes as he got out , I copyed his actions as we walked toward a building as thunder rolled in the sky.

This is it.

Plz don't kill me 😂 but I've been very busy I promise I'll make up in some chapters. Maybe some smut with it ;)
Love y'all<3

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