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That update was a lie about updateing 😂 im sorry. Wattpad is being stupid so sorry for the fake update. I will I promise update very soon. Plus my birthday is coming up ❤.


"When this is over I'll go away so no one will ever be hurt again by my power", I whisper as a tear slide from my face.

Getting out of the shower and drying myself off and wiped the dew off the mirror to see the reflection of the damaged eyes they were emotionless and filled with pain. They changed to a dark red realizing that the book I possessed had appeared as my ora turned dark.

"I'll protect them all even if I die trying to", the mirror whispered seeing a tear fall from my other side.

After I had cleaned myself up and wiped away the tears and managed to change my eye color by force so no one would worrie about me.

Moving to the door that held back the dark or I opened to see a empty room. No mother no father just a empty room.

I walk out to look at all the lettering on the walls 'MINE'.

I'm no one's property... But I do have something that he wants... His book that never wanted him but waited for me. It's mine! And I'll never give it back.

"Do you hear me Chrollo your never getting it back!", I screamed a loud.

As Killua rushed in with Gon close behind him.

"What happen, where is the basturd!", Killua looked all over the room with a protective hold on my waist.

"He's not here", I spoke with amusement at his expression.

"Then why did you scream?", he looked me in the eye like a child with worry.

"I needed to get it out", I averted my eyes  to the ground.

Moving his finger tips to my chin forceing me to look up at him.

"Don't ever scare me like that!", he whispered with anger.

I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion of why he was to mad.

"Why do you care so much?, I'm nothing more than a weapon that brings harm and some how you keep looking at me like that", I spoke with wonder.

He looked a bit red in the face as he mumbled something that i couldn't hear.

"What was that?", I teased. As he stood and faced  me.

Hisoka's PunishmentWhere stories live. Discover now