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New life *16 year skip*
(Ik a long skip but its okie)

Hisoka pov
Hmm new prey~ as yellow eyes glowed from the darkness.

"Sir I'll pay you any amount of cash just please don't hurt her!', a man standing his ground protectily of his young child behind him.

Oh ? But you didn't pay  my boss back but now you have money?... That's so amusing ~ Hisoka chuckled.

As Hisoka flipped a card out closed his eyes. And reopened them.

If I miss your free and I'll take the money you own and leave you be.. But if I don't miss I'll be taking your daughter with me~

He smirked wide. As his eyes closed, as he through the card. As the man stood and hugged his daughter close as his life flashed before his eyes.

As hisoka waiting for the screams he loved so much  they never came as a new nen  made it self present.

As the card was cut in half.
As his eyes quickly opened and wided at his site. Cautious of the new nen nen  and ora.

A girl with purple hair up in a pony tail with bangs and what shocked him the most her eyes silver with yellow fire burning at the bottom. Smirking at her choice  of a weaponry.

As she stood with a knife in her small hands and a book in the other.

A evil book that had black Ora radiating from it. From ancient times.

As another figure appeared. A very familiar nen.Long silver hair matching eyes as red burned from the bottom.

"Its good to see you again Hisoka, you've not aged a bit", yui's voice soft as music.

Hisoka shuttered at her voice remembering the moments they had together. Smiling. ♡◇

As to you to~he purred.
His golden eyes shifting to the younger girl as she was focused on the two behind her.

As she nodded and they ran. Saying there 'thank yous'.

He threw another card at the young girl running. Hope to see and hear the blood chilling screams.

As it dissapeared and was aimed back at Hisoka
As he caught it as blood dripped from his fingers.

As he licked it off.

The young girls face turned to disgust if it wasn't emotionless a minute ago.

And who is your friend here yui?~ Hisoka said suddenly amused at the possibly of a new toy.

"This is your daughter", yui spoke as her eyes never the less flickered to Hisoka reaction to her daughters.

No way is this pint size my daughter... Or could it?...

Hisokas eyes held disbelief.

"So this is my father?", a new voice spoke. As his eyes shifted to the purple haired girl.

He stared hard at her as his blood lust spiked at his possible spon.

What is your name?~ Hisoka asked leaning on the wall next to him shuffling his cards.

"Joan", the purple haired girl spoke.


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