Him and Me

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(Hisoka being a hoe↑)

"Good bye Neil", yui whispered as lights came to a close and she was still to the ground with a new motive in place.

Her once sliver blue eyes were mixed.

As a blood red fire settled at the bottom. Her hair white as moon light. She opened her eyes to the light in the building which was almost dark.

Movement to her left my her eyes move like cats to see a struggling Hisoka. As he stood to his feet.

"Oh your still alive?", yui spoke in a sarcastic voice.

Hisokas cold eyes stared at her with her signature smirk that could melt down to the very core. " so much for your twin, I was hoping to make myself a new toy"~ Hisoka smirked.

A nerve was struck as Neils voice was only the whispers inside my head.

Stay focused~neil

As we stood the boss got up and started at me. Yui didn't even turn around. He attacked as a force shot him back to a wall as chains held him to the wall as he dropped his dark book.

I smiled as I turned my back to Hisoka.

"Hisoka don't let her take that book!", Chorllo yelled with a worried expression.

Hisoka made a move till yui looked back with a death like glare as black ora formed around her causing him to stop as fear spread across his face.

As she turned and tailported in front of Chorllo. "Don't you dare touch that book you witch!", he hissed.

She held her hand over his heart as she felt a cross over it.

"I see he's already done the job", yui smiled as she removed her hand and bent down an picked it up.

As Chorllo struggled with the chains. As cards few and broke the chains releasing Chorllo.

As yui was gone before either could do anything about the book.

'Time to go home neil'
Short don't hate me >°<
Love y'all

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