-Chapter 52-

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I glanced towards the clock that read 12 am sharp. Who was he going to take me to meet at 12 in the morning. I was standing in front of my mirror staring at my appearance, how can someone so perfect love someone so worthless like me. I felt hideous, with the head bandage and the scratches on my face. I was sweating even though I was wearing a black thin-sleeved crop top and shorts. I grabbed my phone from the basin in the bathroom and quickly looked at myself last time in the mirror.

I opened the door to my room and walked slowly down the stairs. It was dark with none of the lights on and really quiet. I stepped outside and was straight away hit by the cool breeze. I always loved cold nights. It felt like i could lay on the grass all night with a big blanket and pillows, staring up at the stars and moon without worrying or thinking about anything. The only light i could see was the lights from inside the pool.

After exactly 2 minutes, I felt a warm jacket being put on my shoulders. I turned around and there he was, looking beautiful and handsome as usual. His eyes were a beautiful light brown but weren't clear to see in the dark night. Even without seeing him clearly, he still is perfect from head to toe.

"You should wear that, it's cold out here, princess. How you feeling?" Sam speaks as he adjusts the jacket properly on my shoulders.

"Yeah, I feel better now that I am here with you." I say quietly.

Before I knew it, his lips were attached to mine and he was kissing me ever so sweetly. My eyes shut as I became slightly lost in the kiss, only focusing on his lips and in this moment. No matter how many times he kisses me, I will never get sick of it. The feels i feel as I kiss those beautiful lips of his.

"You ready to run away for the night, baby girl?" He asked me as he was walking me to his car. He opened the passenger door for me like a gentleman. As I was about to get in, Sam grabbed my hand to turn me around me and kissed me with love and passion. I chuckled and got in the car and waited for him to get in and start driving.

"Sam, who wants to meet with me at 12 o'clock in the morning, other than you?" I asked which made him look down and chuckle.

"I wish i could tell you but I can't. That's the whole point of the surprise." He takes my hand and gives it a sweet and gentle kiss and continues to hold it as he drives.


"yes angel?" How can someone's words have such an affect on a person.

"Thank you so mu-.."

"Jess.." Sam says cutting me off.

"No, please let me finish," he nods his head, "I wanted to thank you so much for loving me and taking me in. For taking care of me, for always being there for me. This relationship means so much to me and it completes me. I crave you and this love more than a normal person can crave something. You're my happiness, Sam and I love you so much."

"Aw, I love you so much more, but thank you for allowing me to love you the way I do. You're the most amazing thing in my life."

The car made a stop by a busy street. There was cars parked everywhere. i looked over to my left and saw that we were at some small building with rock posters taped everywhere. I'm meeting a rock star? But i don't know any. Sam got out of his seat and out of the car and walked over to the passenger door.

Sam wrapped his arm around my waist and walked me over to the massive door ahead of us.

"After you, my love."

The excited voices and screams filled my ears, the sweat smell suffocating my nose. A concert?! The lights go down and the screams turned into a frenzy. The adrenaline running through the roof.

Living With The O2L Boys {Slow Updates}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon