-Chapter 8-

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*Kian's P.O.V*

I woke up from the bright sunshine shining from my see-through curtains and the house was still quiet. It was only 7am so I figured everyone would still be sleeping. I walked slowly down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab a cup of water. Afterwards, I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch and turned the TV on. I spent a whole 10 minutes flicking through the channels to find something interesting to watch. There was literally nothing on, so I just put one of the music channels on. All I could think about was the girl I met online who knows Ricky. Her name was Andrea Russett and she was extremely gorgeous, funny and very sweet. I would try and start the conversation but it would be so hard cause of how nervous I get. She is also a you tuber, I've watched many of her videos and they're actually quite funny.

I could hear some footsteps travelling down the staircase; I turned around and saw Jess. She was still in her PJ's and had very messy hair.

"Morning Jess.'' I said to her as she found a seat next to me and joined me.

"Good morning Kiki."

"Can I ask you for something?"

"Yeah sure" I replied as I turned to look at her.

"Can I have all the O2L boys' numbers, if that's fine?"

"Of course it's fine, whose number do you need?" I said at the same time as I pulled out my phone and opened up my contact book to find the boys' numbers.

"Well I already have Jc, Sam, Ricky and Trevor; I just need Ricardo, Connor and yours!" She spoke as she also pulled her phone out to put the numbers in as I spoke. I gave her the numbers and she thanked me.

"So do you have anything in mind that you want to do today." I asked her. We should take her out to see more places; she's from Texas she needs to know how the California people live and what we like over here. She also needs to see what California is like and where what is because she will be growing old over here.

"We'll, what's the weather today" She asked me? Why does she want to know the weather, well I opened my phone and looked at the weather.

Wow! It was actually going to be really hot today.

"Woah, it's going to be 42 degrees Celsius (107.6 F) today, what if we go and get the boys up and get them ready so we can head off to the beach today." I asked her.

"That's why I asked what the weather was." She spoke to me as she smiled. Her smile looked like Acacia's smile, Sam's girlfriend.

We just sat there and watched all these weird different TV shows and judged what they done incorrectly on them and tried to impersonate the actors. We also took photos and videos of ourselves.

"So when's your birthday?" I asked her. I'm not trying to be a stalker or anything but I just want to know her birthday so I can get her something nice when the day does arrive.

"Well, its, uh, tomorrow." She replied. TOMORROW! I have to tell the boys, we have to go out tonight and buy her something. I'll just ask Jc about what she likes; he'll probably know what she likes and we'll go shopping and get it.

"Hey, do you want to make breakfast for the rest of the boys and ourselves?" I asked her.

"Well if you're going to burn the house down then no thank you but if you know how to cook then yeah sure." She said as we both chuckled and got up. I turned off the TV and walked to the kitchen and started cooking. We made pancakes, eggs and toast and had Arizona on the side, we're so normal.

She actually told me her life story as we were cooking, she cried a couple of times but I can't blame her. I gave her hugs and told her that everything is okay I asked her if she had scares and she showed me them. They were on her wrist; I kissed them for her to let her know that she was still perfect even with them on her arm.

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