-Chapter 23-

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*Jess's P.O.V*

I fluttered eyes open and woke up to Josh's gorgeous face. I took a couple of moments to look at my hot boyfriend who was currently sleeping like an angel. I slowly tried to get out of the sheets not trying to wake Josh up but somehow didn't work. He pat around the bed for me to see if I was still in bed. His eyes flutter open, squinting in the early morning light.

"Jess." he whined with his husky morning voice. I'm not going to lie, that was pretty hot and I'm pretty sure alot of girls would agree with me. He started stretching and rubbing his eyes and he peeked one eye open.

"Jess." He mumbled coming towards me.

He wrapped his arms around my waist hugging me, resting his head on my shoulder. Somehow I was wishing this was Sam with his arms around me.

W-what am I saying?

I hate Sam.

"Yeah, Josh." I said trying to get rid of Sam from my thoughts, I saw him smirk from the corner of my eyes.

"Nothing, I just missed you." He mumbled, I turned my body around so now we were face-to-face.

"You're too cute." I said giggling.

"I know, I know." he said trying to act all cute but I hit his head softly.

"Come on, time to get up." I spoke as I was getting out of his tight grip.

"So, no morning kiss." he said.

"MORNING BREATH." I shouted, covering my mouth and running out of my room.

I ran outside my room and into the kitchen. I was literally running around the house with an over-sized t-shirt and no pants and Josh was only wearing boxers revealing his sexy abs [Pic On The Side] . I heard footsteps following behind me.

"I'm going to get that kiss whether you like it or not." I heard Josh shout as he was running behind me and laughing.

I felt strong arms around my hips.

"Got you." Josh whispered in my ears making me feel a shiver run down my spine.

He leaned in and kissed me, he lifted me up onto the bench and I placed my legs around his torso. It was one passionate kiss.

"OH MY POOR INOOCCENNNT EYES!" Someone shouted that made Josh and I turn that direction. We saw Trevor covering his eyes which made us all giggle.

"Ewe yuck." we heard another voice.


Hehe, this chapter is so cute <3

1) Who do you think that voice is?

2) #TeamSess or #TeamJesh

3) My ship names are sad so comment some ship names :)

Dont forget to vote and comment

Thanks lovelies,


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