-Chapter 22-

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I was so excited for this because we were acting like a family, wait we are a family. Jc got his camera and tripod and sat it behind him to film this moment for memories so when we are older we have family films to watch.

"Okay who's first?" I asked smiling as there was heaps of presents. I swear I didn't even know many of the people that even came but it was still so sweet that they got me gifts.

"Meee." Connor and Ricky shouted at the same time. They both turned to each other and had a staring contest for like 1 whole minute and then they pretended to fight but both gave up.

"Mine should go first." Jc said handing me his present. As I was opened the present, there was a Wiz Khalifa t-shirt, Wiz Khalifa Phone Case, Jc phone case and 2 pairs of ankle boots.
(In this fan fiction, Jess's favourite shoes are ankle boots.)

"Awwww, Jc. This is so cute, thank you and I love you so much." As I got up and gave Jc a tight hug.

"Wait, that's not it." Jc said as he took out a Pandora box from his right pocket and handed it to me and gave me a little smirk.

"Oh my fucking god, Jc!" I shouted as I started jumping up and down the living room. I turned and saw everyone laughing at me so I got embarrassed and went and sat back down in the middle of our little circle.

I opened it and saw a Pandora bracelet with 2 charms. 1 charm was a star with blue diamonds in it and the other charm was a cute heart.

"OMG! OH MY FUCKING GOD, I LOVE YOU SOO MUCCCHH, Jc!" I shouted as I jumped on him and gave him the biggest hug and sloppiest kiss on the cheek. He didn't wipe it off which made me laugh a lot.

"Why did you spend so much money on me?"

"Well because you deserve it and just pretend mum and dad got this for you."

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I miss my mum and dad so much; I will literally do anything to bring them both back. I wish my mum was still here so I can ask for advice on life or girl problems, she can help me with my teenager years, where she could ground me for every time I done something wrong. I wish my dad was still here so that when I go on my first date he can warn the boy to not hurt his little girl or when I get married, he will walk me down the aisle. But I will have Jc for all those things hopefully.

"JESS!" Ricky shouted waving his hand in my face which made me come back to reality.

"Yeah-h sorry, I was just thinking." I replied quickly wiping my tears away.

"We can continue opening the presents in the morning if you're not feeling good." Connor said as he came and sat beside me and put his arm around my shoulder, I must admit he smelt really nice.

"Yeah, I reckon that would be so much better."

"Alright then, good night, Andrea and I are off to bed." Kian said as he got up and took his hand out towards Andrea. She grabbed his hand and he helped her get up and they walked up the stairs.

"I'm going to come check on you guys later so I know you guys aren't getting a little heated in there." Ricky shouted as we started laughing.

"I'm off too, goodnight everyone, goodnight Jess." Trevor said getting up and giving me a cute little hug and another birthday wish.

"Let's go Acacia." Sam said getting up and leaving.

Umm, rude much. To be honest, I did feel a bit of jealousy run through me as Sam took Acacia's hand and walk to his room. Wait, did I just admit I was jealous, I'm not supposed to be jealous. I'm not even supposed to like him, he's just a grumpy, annoying human being.

"Well, I'm off too." Connor said.

"Me three." Ricky said as both the boys got up, said goodnight and walked to their rooms.

"I'm going to go to bed." I said as Josh and I got up. When we were about to leave the living room Jc stopped us and talked:

"Wait, are you guys planning to you know, um, you know what I'm talking about." He said as he lifted his right hand to fluff his hair. He is so protective which is so cute.

"Nope, I'm young and not ready." I replied as Josh let out a little chuckle beside me and I elbowed him lightly in the stomach.

"Okay good, we don't need little Josh's and little Jess's running around the house, we're all not ready for that yet." Jc said as he came over to me and gave me a hug and a little peck on the cheek.

"Goodnight beautiful."

"Goodnight mate."Jc said as he gave Josh a fist pump.


"Hey, is it alright if I sleep in my boxers." Josh said as he took off his socks and shoes.

"Yeah, it's fine."

He started stripping off his clothes and leaving his boxers on. I jumped under the sheets and laid there thinking about how my life would be if my parents were still here. I felt Josh climb in beside me and I felt an arm rest around my waist. Josh & I were currently in a spooning position and I loved it.

"Baby, are you okay?" Josh asked.

"Yeah, just lost in thoughts."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Nah, I'm fine." I replied.

"I'm always here if you need to talk." He whispered as I turned and we were face-to-face, lying in my bed.

"Yeah I know."

He leaned over and kissed me, it wasn't a lustful kiss or a tongue kiss or a passionate kiss, it was a simple kiss. His lips were so soft and I just loved the feeling of his on mine.

"I like you alot." He whispered, we were so close that I could smell his fresh minty breath.

"I like you too." I whispered back.

I put my head on his chest and fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.


1) Josh is sooo sweet; it makes me want to cry!

2) Josh is hiding a secret

3) What do you guys think of the story so far?

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Thanks lovelies,


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