-Chapter 1-

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Chapter 1

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing. I rolled to the side of my bed and picked up my phone; it was currently 6am and I was definitely not excited about leaving Texas. Our flight was leaving in an hour but I was open to the idea of moving out of Texas because I'm not really that popular girl in school. I've always been that shy girl who was known for her famous brother. Jc has been planning this trip for weeks now, he was so excited to be going back to Cali to be living there permanently and starting a new life there and I guess I have to be dragged along.

I groaned to myself and rolled out of bed, I neatly tucked in the bed sheets and made the bed, This was the last time I was to perform this task in this very room. I placed my slippers on and made my way down the stairs. Our house was not really that big, Jc loved those little houses that were classified as "vintage" and had a family vibe to it. I walked int to find Jc baking pancakes, I already knew of because the beautiful smell overtook the house's atmosphere. Yes, my brother is the Jc Caylen from the famous O2L. Every time he goes to California, I stay here in Texas with my aunt but she moved away to Australia so I can't stay with her. There isn't any other options as most of my family live in Australia as well. Jc has been wanting to move to California permanently and further his 'YouTuber' career with his closest friends and of course I have to leave with him because I am only 16 which is not the legal age to live on my own.

''Morning sleepyhead,'' he said with his husky morning voice that would make hundreds of fan girls literally faint. He turned around and smiles a bright perfect smile, looking away from the stove for just a moment.

"Morning, it smells so good.'' I replied sitting down at the dining table.

"You hungry?" I looked at him, "Are you serious, I could eat a cow." I said as he laughed hysterically at me.

"The term is I can eat a horse not a cow'." He said as he continued to laugh at me. Jc turned off the stove and placed the two plates down, one in front of me and one in front of him.

"You looking forward to moving to California today?'' He asked with half a pancake in his mouth while speaking which was disgusting but quite funny. 

"Not sure how to feel honestly, I don't really want to leave Texas because I grew up here but I am  looking forward to moving to California for a fresh beginning, change it up." I said with a fake smile on my face. I didn't want him to think I was not excited about leaving.

"It's really nice over there and the weather is amazing. You will love the boys, they've all grown now, matured but still have the silly side to them" I rolled my eyes when he said 'silly side to them' because the last time i met them,  I was young and trust me, they weren't funny at all.

"I'm sure they are funny but warn them that if they mess with me, I am not a kid anymore, I can defend myself now and willing to hit a guy?" I said as he laughed and nodded his head. His laughing face went from a massive smile to a concerned look. 

"What happened? what's wrong?"

"The thing that I haven't come clean to you yet is that ..."

He looks serious, what could he possibly have forgotten to tell me? I just kept staring at him waiting for him to tell me what the hell was going on.

"We aren't living on our own." He said concerned, afraid of what I was going to say next.

"What do you mean we aren't living on our own?" I asked him in confusion.

"We are going to live with the rest of the boys." 

He cant be serious. 

We sat there in silence.

"Please say something.'' Jc said as he put his fork down making it look like he lost his appetite. 

Jc is the only close family I have had since I was younger. We lost both our parents then I was younger, so Jc took matter into his own hands to raise me. Jc is the type of brother that is there when I need him, someone who picks me up when I fall, he's someone who sticks up for me when no-one else will. He's the kind of brother that hides my stuff and breaks my dolls but picks me up when I fall. Someone who stands by my side and holds my hand. When things don't go well, he helps me by understanding what I'm going through. He is literally the only family I have and know so I trust is instinct and his opinion always. 

"Well I guess I don't really have a choice but I need my own room because the last thing I need is to be sharing a room with someone else especially someone I don't like." I must admit I am scared out of my mind, but in all honestly I shouldn't be because I have Jc with me and he won't let any of the boys mess around. 

"I'll make sure I let Ricky know." We finished eating breakfast. I offered to help him clean up the kitchen but he just shooed me off to get ready. I hopped into the shower, allowing the warm water to loosen my strained muscles. I change into a grey sweater with white jeans and white sneakers. I placed on some light makeup and threw my hair into a messy pony. I finished packing the last of my things. 

"Jessica!" I hear Jc's voice call from the living room.

"We need to leave!" Jc continues calling. 

"I'm coming! Stop yelling!" I groan and hurry my way downstairs with my bags. 

"Pass me your bags, I will put them in the car." Jc offers whiling taking my bags off me. We left the house and took a cab to the airport.

As we were in the cab, I plugged my ear phones in my phone, placed them in my ears. I was looking out the window whilst listening to the perfect voice of Ed Sheeran. Taking a last glimpse of all the scenery in Texas before leaving for good. I surely will miss it a lot. I turned my head to Jc and noticed that he was texting someone and was very secretive about it.

He looked over at me and told me that everything will be okay and smiled at me. I don't know how my life would be like without Jc. I would be nothing without him, I rely on him for so much.

As we got dropped off at the airport. Jc asked me if we could take a photo so it can be our last photo in Texas. We took the selfie, got something to eat before we got on the plane and took off. There were some fans at the airport waiting for us and were asking for photos and autographs. He signed a couple of weird things and took photos with some of them but he had to let them know that we had to get going or we will be late and miss our flight.

When we landed, Jc turned to me and asked:

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, I'm ready." He pulled me into a tight embrace as I wrapped my arms around him.

And there was my future right in front of me.

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