-Chapter 44-

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"Jess, come back to me! Jess, where are you?" I heard Sam yell and saw him standing in a dimly lit place looking around for me frantically. I tired to answer him, to tell him that I was right infront of him but I wasn't able to open my mouth. He continued spinning around and shouting my name. I'm here! I yelled in my head but It was no use, he couldn't hear me.

I continued staring at Sam who was standing there, gripping the hair at the back of his head with a furrow between his brows. I wanted to be with him, for him to come and get me. Sam! I'm here, look here! I yelled in my head but again, he wasn't able to hear me, no-one could.

Sam spun around and started running in the opposite direction of me. I wanted to run after him , to chase him and have him hold me in his arms again, to feel the warmth of his skin on mine. But for some reason I wasn't able to move forward, something was holding me back. I turned around to find myself chained to a pole and standing next to this pool was Acacia, my best friend. Acacia, I trusted my life with an evil smirk on her face. 

I trashed against the chains that held me captive as I watch Sam run further and further away from me, his figure getting smaller and smaller as the distance between us increased. Sam, come back! I yelled and turned around to glare at Acacia but she was gone. I faced front again only to see Sam holding her in his arms, his hand cupping the side of her face as they inched closer and closer together. 

"NOOOOO!!" I screamed as I sat up right on my bed, my heart beating like I had just run a marathon with sweat dripping down my neck. I scanned my surroundings and remembered that I was sleeping in Sam's room, sighed in relief that it was just a dream.

"Are you alright, love?" I heard a voice say and turned to see Sam sitting upright next to me on his bed.

"Sam!" I sobbed into his shoulder, throwing my arms around his neck.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked in a concerned voice as I buried my face into his shoulder, breathing in his scent.

"Bad dream..."

"What was it about?" He asked, wrapping his arms around me.

"You leaving me..." 

"Oh darling, I would never." He said, pulling me closer to his chest and stroking the back of my head. 

 Sam pulled away from the hug and planted a kiss on my lips, "I'm not going anywhere."


"Yes." He smiled and lowered both of us back onto the bed and wrapped his arms around me as I faced his chest. He placed his chin above my head and I placed my hands on his bare chest , using it to warm my cold hands. The feeling of being wrapped up in Sam's arms started to sooth me and  I started to fall back into my slumber. I thought I heard him say "I love you, Jess" but was too deep in the blackness to know if it was real or not ...


I woke up to the sound of biirds chirping outside Sam's window and rolled over in the bed , expecting to feel Sam there but came face-to-face with the mattress. My eyes popped open and scanned through the room; Sam was no-where to be seen. "Sam?" I called out, sitting up and getting out of bed but there was no answer.

"Sam?" I tried again, walking out of the room and onto the balcony where the sun was shining and the sky crystal clear. Sam was still no-where to be found, where could he be ?

I ran a hand through my hair and a furrow formed between my brows as circled the backyard, hoping that he would appear somewhere or atleast answer me.

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