-Chapter 18-

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"Thanks so much and can I please get a photo with you guys." I said.

"Yeah sure." They both said at the same time. We took about 30-40 photos. I also had a short conversation with both the boys; they were actually pretty interesting people.

"Okay, have fun." I said.

"You too." Jack said as they both gave me a hug, I didn't care if Sam hooked up with Acacia.

*Jess's P.O.V*

I'm having mixed emotions about Sam. I feel comfortable around him, I feel like I can be myself around him. He knows a lot about me and I'm not really scared that he will you the stuff against me, he's not like that.

Sam is a sweet boy but he can get on my nerves sometimes, then there is Josh. Josh makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the world. He makes me feel so special and he is so caring. I love and hate Sam at the same time but I don't care about him anymore, if he can't accept that I have a boyfriend then he can honestly just leave me alone.

"There you are." Josh said putting my hand in his. Is it weird that I don't feel fireworks or get shivers up my spine every time we touch or kiss? He's my first boyfriend; I should feel at least something. In all the books and movies that I read and watch, they all describe how amazing it feels to be kissed or touched by your first boyfriend but I guess it's not true and just all cliché.

"Hey, do you know what time this party ends." I asked.

I just wanted everyone to go; this night is just getting worse every minute. Shouldn't Sam be showing me a bit of respect, it is my birthday? But he just doesn't understand how important my birthdays are, how I don't have parents to celebrate my birthdays with, but he does. People are so damn selfish and don't care about anything but themselves. It was so loud and exhausting; I couldn't stand to be around people right now.

"Aren't you supposed to know, it is your birthday party."


*1 hour later *

My view was perfect. I was just sitting by the pool, with my legs in the water, the pool lights on, the dark night sky and everyone partying inside with the doors closed. So it was just quiet, it was like a perfect way to just think. How different would my life be if Jc wasn't a you tuber, how we would still be back in Texas, with all my relatives, my school and all my old friends. I was just lost in thoughts and didn't want to be disturbed by anyone.

"Hey baby." Josh said as he came up to me and bent down. His eyes were so blue and beautiful I could get lost in them in 2 seconds that was the only effect he had over me.

"Yeah." I hadn't realised has wandered someplace else.

"I have to go, something came up, and I'll come back soon." he said looking at his phone.

"Oh okay, would you come back later on and stay the night." I asked

"Yeah, we can plan things." he said winking at me trying to refer to something.

"Oh, please, don't get your hopes up little boy." I said as he chuckled.

"I like you a lot." I wasn't ready to tell him that I loved him just yet; it was just too early for that.

"I like you too." He said as he got me up and pulled me closer and gave me a kiss. Not just a simple kiss but a kiss full of passion. Like he only saw me in the world, like the whole world revolved around me. He finally pulled away and walked away.

I guess I have to keep myself busy for now. I stayed by the pool for another 30 minutes; it was so relaxing out here. I felt someone tap my shoulder,

"Hey, mind if I join you." Kian asked.

"Yeah sure." I replied as he took of his socks and shoes, pulled up his jeans and sat by me.

"So why are you out here alone and not in there partying with everyone else?" He said pointing at the loud house behind us.

"Just want to clear my mind and it was getting too loud in there for me to handle." I said looking down at my legs in the water as I move them up and down slowly.

"Tell me what's up, what's on your mind right now, why are you so down. Did josh hurt you, do you want me to hit him for you because I swear I will."

"Awe, nah he didn't hurt me." I said giggling. I told Kian about what happened with Sam from A to Z, every single detail. It feels good to get it off my chest, especially to someone like Kian.

"Awe baby, its okay but when it comes to Sam he is always serious about love and he does have a soft heart, but he told me broke it off with Acacia, what's he doing hooking up with her? But you know what don't worry about what anyone says, I reckon Josh is cool and you guys make a perfect couple." He said as he put his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder.

"To be honest Kian, you are the only one here that I can trust, well apart from my brother." I said.

"Awe anytime and if you ever need me, I am always here. So let's get to that party and enjoy ourselves." Kian said getting up and helped me getting up.

We both put our shoes on and started walking back inside hand in hand while he made me laugh and giggle on our way in.


Thanks to the people who are reading <3

1) Will Kian and Jess take their friendship further?

2) Will Jess cheat on Josh?

3) What will happen when Josh comes back?

4) Will Jess tell JC about everything that is going on?

Thank you guys for reading <3

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Thanks lovelies,


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