-Chapter 49-

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*Jess's P.O.V*

I had just taken the pregnancy test. I stood up and walked out of the bathroom as Jake followed behind. I paced back and forth along the bedroom with my hands over my chest. I bit my nails nervously. It would never be possibly happening if I am pregnant. Of Course we used protection, because we knew it was for the best and we knew it was too soon to have a baby. We didn't even think of having a baby at this age. But I'm also scared and like I couldn't explain how I was feeling.

"You ready to find out?!" Jake whispered as I nodded my head and he walked in my bathroom and picked it up and looked at me.

"OMG, Jess, you're...."


*Jess’s P.O.V*

“OMG, Jess, you’re...”

I couldn’t function in that moment. Those next 2 words that come out of his mouth will change the rest of my life forever. I just couldn’t think anymore. My heart was beating faster than ever. I felt sweat coming down my forehead.  I’ve never been this scared before .

“...you’re not pregnant.” Did I just hear those 3 words come out of his mouth? I’m not pregnant; I don’t have to worry about having a baby. I won’t have to worry about telling Sam or worrying about him leaving me if I was pregnant. I didn’t have to worry about telling JC that his younger sister is pregnant and Sam’s the father. Just hearing those 3 words made my life so much easier.

It was silent . I had my hand over my mouth , I was shocked . I’m not pregnant

I’m not pregnant . No Baby . No worrying . No stress . No need to tell Sam .

“Then why was I vomiting non-stop like a pregnant woman?” I asked Jake. He was putting the used pregnancy test in the bin and turned around to face me as I spoke to him .

“I think you had a bug or something.”

“I’m so happy that I’m not pregnant.” I started screaming excitedly and jumping around. I jumped right into Jake’s arms.

“I’m so happy for you.” He stated as we were currently in the arms of one another. It suddenly went quiet. All I could hear was the sound of mine and Jake’s heartbeat. Jake leaned back abit and looked at me in the eyes. I was just watching him. He took one of this hands away from my waist and slowly put it under my chin as he held my face .

“I’m doing everything I can not to kiss you right now.”

 I couldn’t speak. My heart was telling me not to kiss him and that I love Sam but my mind was telling me to kiss Jake. I just had a fight with Sam over this and I can’t risk loosing him again . But like they say, you should always follow what your heart tells you. I got out of Jake’s arms which caused him to put his hands back on his sides , clear his throat and scratch the back of his neck.

“I better get going.” He said as he grabbed his phone from my bed and looking back at me.

“It’s late, I can’t have you driving when it’s really dark , what if something happens to you as you’re driving , spend the night here. I get lonely.”

“Where can I sleep?” He asked.

“Well I’m not going to sleep in my room because that’d be rude but I can get 2 sleeping bags from my basement and we can camp in the guest bed room, what do you say about that?”

“I would really enjoy that.” He spoke as he took off his shoes but put them near my bed room door, “Do you need help going into the basement?” He asked politely .

“No its alright , Help yourself in the kitchen and I’ll quickly run down and grab the sleeping bags .” I said as I walked over to my desk and grabbed the keys to the basement . He walked out before me and went straight towards the kitchen as I walked to the basement door . He was going to kiss me . but we're best friends and he knows that I'm with Sam , I hope he doesnt try anything on me .

I turned on the light for the basement walked down the stairs , I grabbed the two sleeping bags and noticed something in the corner , i put the sleeping bags on the side and walked over to what caught my eye . I picked it up and noticed it was a white photo frame of me and josh , he was looking at me while i was smiling and taking the selfie . I felt a tear run down my cheek and onto the glass of the frame . How can someone who was so sweet and caring turn into a monster . He broke my heart , i hate him so much . I noticed there was writing at the back of the frame , I turned it around and it said :

"I may not be with you but I'm watching you.     -Kisses , Josh"

I felt my heart stop beating . I dropped the frame and I felt my eyes fill with tears . Everything was in slow motion . I was breathing very fast and I felt light headed . I could hear someone run into the room .

I soon fell to the ground and darkness took over .


Im soooo sorry for making you guys wait soo long . I've been so school and I've had no time to update so sorry for the short chapter . I do have holidays coming up so i will be udating soon again .

Just to let you guys know : My birthday just passed <3 And it was one of my good friend's birthday as well , SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANSU <3 This chapter is dedicated to you . I know to took a while but here you go . I loveee youuu 

Ramdan is tomorrow so to all my muslim readers : Ramadan Kereem and I wish you and your familes have a good Ramadan .

Oooo so Josh has been watching her . What do you guys think ? 

Oh and I have been getting hate comments and it upsets me cause i put alot of effect in my work so if you dont have anything nice to say then dont say it at all .

Thanks Guys xxoxooxxo

See you again next time x


Living With The O2L Boys {Slow Updates}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon