-Chapter 48-

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*Sam's P.O.V*

Jess and I were sitting in the living room while JC , Trev and Kian were all upstairs . I don't know what was going on up stairs but It was quiet . Jess told JC about 'our night' and JC was going to jump me . I wouldn't blame him though . It is his little sister but I hope that it doesn't affect our friendship . He just need to understand that I'm not going to use Jess . I do love her .

"I think I should go now ." Jess said wisfully .

"Okay ." I answered , My eyes not leaving hers . But when she slid off the couch and tried to put  on her shoes , I pulled at the edge of her T-Shirt . Even though she'd wanted to leave . She just ... couldn't .

"Come here." I whispered and Jess fell back into me . I reached out my arms and caught her .

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*Sam's P.O.V*

I woke up to the doorbell ringing . I was sleeping on the couch in the living room with Jess . I looked at my phone and realized it was only 6am . Who would visit at this time . It was pretty obvious that the other boys were still sleeping . I walked over to the door and opened it .

"Holy Shit!"


"Holy Shit." I speak as I saw a letter sitting on the doorstep . [SORRY IF I SCARED YOU GUYS AHA] . I took one step outside to see if I could see anyone who put the letter at the doorstep but the front yard was clear . There was no-one standing on the street so I just grabbed the letter from the ground and opened it slowly .

It Read :

Stay Away From Jess.

Stay away from Jess ? Who would send me a letter at 6 in the morning that says something like that . Maybe It was a sick prank or something . I grabbed the letter and put it in my pocket so Jess doesn't see it because I don't want to scare her or get her worried . I walked back through the door and closed it behind me . I walked over to the couch and laid down next to Jess , Put my arm back around her waist and fell back asleep 

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*Jess's P.O.V*

I woke up and realized I was still sleeping on the couch next to Sam . He is so perfect . His smile . His lips . His hair . His voice . His laugh . His hands . His smirk . His teasing . His humor . His weird faces . The way he walks . The way he says my name .The way he looks . The way he talks . His singing . His dancing . His Body . Him .

I got up out of Sam's arms and walked up the stairs and into my old room that was placed right next to JC's .I noticed that some of my stuff were on the floor , I noticed that the pic of Me and Sam kissing that was in a cute little frame was currently sitting on the floor . i walked over to it slowly and went to pick it up but realized that the glass for the frame was broken . 

"Oh I see you saw the mess." I heard a voice behind me speak . i turned around and It was Kian . Hi we leaning on the door frame . 

"What happened in here ?" I asked as I put the frame on the table sat on the chair that was for the desk . 

"Well , when You & Sam broke up , He'd sleep in here every single night . He'd always get angry whenever you didn't answer his calls or texts so he went crazy , and yeah .." Kian said , "He'd cry every day , He wouldn't leave the house , the only times he left the house is when his older sister suggested for him to get some fresh air with her and when he went to your house and forgave him . He was so hurt , It was like I could see his heart broken into little pieces and when i went to pick them up , I couldn't . You know why ? Because you were the only way to heal his heart . It was like a whole different Sam . He stopped eating , He'd be always laying in bed , He'd sleep really late , Cry every night , You know what tho ? You mean so much to him . He regrets everything he's ever done to you." 

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