Firey red hair

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Hey guys Star here and before we start I just wanted to say thank you for being awesome!! Now on to the Chapter!!

Garroth: It has been over a mouth sense Jess has left and Cadenza and I have started dating. I still like Jess but I like Cadenza more. She's sweet, kind and I love her firey red hair. She had the aura about her that seams to calm me down when I get upset. Jess was more like a sister now, a lovely sister but a sister just the same (FYI guys I ship Laurmau and Garmau but in this book it's Garrenza or what ever. So even though I don't ship them Irl I'm shipping them here for the sake of the plot.) I'm worried about Jess but Cadenaz keeps reminding me girls can take care of them selfs and that she has Laurance and Sly to keep her safe. "Garroth!! There's  a ship just on the coast line!" I hear Cadenza say as she sprinted up the hill were I was patrolling. "Let's go and see if their back!" I replied then I lifted her brida style and ran down the hills to the docks. "Garroth! I can walk you know!" Cadenza said giggling as I set her down at the docks. "I know." I replied then kissed the top of her head. We looked out to sea and saw a medium size ship coming in. "Garroth? Is this working?" I hear Laurance's voice say in side my head. I'm so startled I would have fallen into the water if Cadenza haddent grabbed my hand. "Laurance?" I asked hesitantly. "Yes it works!! Okay so Garroth were coming in to dock and Jess may or not be a Pheonix." Laurance's voice said in my head. "What!" I yelled out loud but also in my head. "You okay Garroth?" Cadenza asked me. "Yes get Kenmer and Emylen so then can try to figure out a cure. Anyway Gtg help sail this ship in! Oh and also we have some more of Jess's old friends. Like a lot so get a house or three ready." Laurance said then I felt the connection break. "Cadenza. Your brother can telepathically communicate with people. That's their ship coming in right now and Jess brought more of her old friends. And Laurance said Jess got turned into a Pheonix." I told Cadenza. He face went from happy at Laurance to Freaking out at Jess. "WE NEED TO GET EMYALEN AND KENMAR!!!!" Cadenza yelled then dragged me to Kenmer and Emalyns house. G They got married recently FYI in this world.) "EM APHMAU GOT TURNED INTO A PHEONIX AND WE NEED TO FIND A CURE!!!" Cadenza yelled while pounding on the door. The door opened to a very confused looking Emalyn. "Cadenza why are you yelling I just heard the word Aphmau and Phoenix, you know Aphmau's real name is Jess you don't need to refuse to her as Aphmau to us villagers. Now what about a Pheeonix? Did Jess find one and bring it back?" Emalyns eyes shown with excitement. "You better come see for you self. We don't know exactly their docking now." I replied then they followed us down to the docks where I see Laurance, Sly and a Purple guy trying up the ropes so the ship wouldn't drift away. "Laurance!!" Cadenza and I said at one and ran over. Cadenza enveloped him in a hug then pulled back and said "Where is Jess and what is this about you being able to telepathically communicate to people?" Cadenza said tapping her foot. Laurance looked at her sheepishly and replied "Hey Cadenza did you know Sly is my older brother? And I got that power from my mom. Jess is being awoken by a Sky right now." "Sly is your brother!?!? And who is Sky?" Cadenza said. Then I looked up to the gang plank and see a guy with a purple amulet and sunglasses with his arm out and on that arm perched a Purple Pheonix. All of the feathers were purple execpt for a few that were Golden, red,yellow, or Orange. The beak was Gold and so were to claws. The eyes were Amber eyes, Just like Jess's eyes. Laurance wasn't kidding, Jess is a Pheonix.

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