Info and super short chapter

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Sky: we were talking over where she could have gone when I said "Zane must have taken her! His fire dude could have been the one that kidnaped her. She will probuly be held at Okasis, Is there any reason why Zane wants Jess?" Laurance looked thoughtful then he paled and said "At one point her tried to keep Jess in a town she was vist wing to try to force her to marry him." Marry him? Oh she would never! "Well at least we all know she will never do that willingly so we have some time as I'm sure she will try to stall him." Max said trying to bring hope back. We were going to get Jess back, we had an army after all. 

Here is a basic thing about the people in the Sky army. All offishaly of non Offaly joined to help find Jess.

Sly:  Father is Steve Rogers aka Captain America. Mother is Sccarlet witch aka Wanda Rogers now. Sly's powers are being super strong like Steve and having the same ability as him mother. Has one blood sibling, Laurance. And one adopted sibling well realy his brother got adopted by a family and this is his adopted sister. Cadenza. Has a hobby of building super suits or fixing his uncle, Tony Stark, who he thought was his dad for a while, Suits.

Laurance: Father same as Sly and same with Mother. Same powers as Sly and adopted sbrother of Cadenza. Has been a guard all his life so he is realy good at fighting with a sword. His Hobby? Prancing people along with Ross, Barny and Sly.

Katz: Father, Cyborg guy who I don't know the name of. Mother? Unknown. Powers? Has Lazer beams and at one point was merged with Venom and when they unmearged he was left with a small amount of Venoms powers. Which are, Flying, and shooting more powerful beams of green light and posion if he wishes. Engaged to Kala.

Steven: Father, Green lantern. Mother, unknown. Powers? Basically a wizard and can shoot green Lakers from his ring. Lucinda is his fiancé and is teaching him how to do spells. 

Sccarlet: Father and mother unknown. Husben Steve Rogers aka Captain America. Two children, Sly and Laurance. Has realy awesome powers to go into your mind and move stuff with it along with shooting beams of red light at things. You know If you have watched the movie. 

Sky: Both parents are unknown as Sky grew up in a village for the first years if his life as an orphan, then he started the Sky army when he over heard the squids plan to take over the world along with Max, Ross, Barney, And Jess who were his lead comanders. Jess was taken by Thor when she was thirteen and,had her memory erased show she could live with other super heros kids. Sky searched for her sense then as the Sky army fell apart because there were not many attacks. Also has a magical purple amulet that the squids want for unknown reasons. He turned into a pheonix once and it looks similar to Jess's amulet. 

Thor: Parents well you know this is you watch the movies so I won't bother going and looking it up. Was married to Irean but she died, (we don't know how) and he left his child Jess in a village with skew other kids until she was Thirteen when Loki started making threats so he took her and erased her memory and left her with his hammer and the other super hero kids. Then he was captured by Zane actually along with the rest of the Avengers and slept for a long time.

Lucinda: Parents you would know if u watched Aphmau's videos and I dot have time to go check. Fiancé is Steaven and she is a witch. She is teaching Steaven how to do spells in her extra time.

Garroth: Parents you already know.  Fiancé Cadenza and Lord of Pheonix drop. He should have been lord of Okasis but at the time he didn't want to be lord and Zane took over as lord. Has force field powers which he uses when under attack. Has been guard to Jess when she was lord, so he's realy good at fighting.

Cadenza: parents you already know and her adopted brother is Laurance and she also says that Sky is her adopted brother as well. Engaged to Garroth and future Lady of Pheonix Drop Cadenza was a dressmake and is still the best.

Alex: son of super man and mother unknown. Sister is May who has the same parents. 

May: Look above.

Storm: Adopted brother of Loki and Thor who has small amounts of weather powers and can always sense where Jess is. ( wait doesn't that mean he should be able to sense her now?!?! Guess their going to find her quicker than we thought!) hangs out with Angel and their pretty much boyfriend and girlfriend. 

Angel: Daughter of Venom but mother unkown. Hangs out with Storm most of the time and has same powers as her father just not as strong.

Max: Parents are former Lady (dead) of Scales wind and father is lord of scales wind. Part of the Sky army and his sister is Nicole.

Ross: Parents unknown, has narwal ability. Can breath under water basically and has a horn on his head that looks magestic. Narwal hybrid basically and part of The Sky army

Barney: no parents and no powers. Dinosaurs hybrid type thing and has one working eye . Part of the Sky army.

Katlyen: parents unknown. Former member of the jury of nine and super badass as realy good at fighting.

Kala: Daughter of spider man and mother unknown. Has same powers as her father and is engaged to Katz.

People If i missed someone comment who I have missed. Dante, Kawi-Chan, Nicole, Venom, all aren't included in the army. You already know Jess's story so why tell you info right now.

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