Contagious Sarcasm

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Jess: When I woke up after talking to Sky I saw the girl staring at me in amazement. "What?" I asked confused and she said "You disappeared then just showed back up." Oh. "That happenes some times, don't worry I always come back. What's your name I forgot to ask you." I replied wondering how that had happeneded. "My name is Isabella! And I'm almost ten years old." She said proudly and I giggled slightly. "I'm Jessica but you can call me Jess and I'm twenty." "How are you feeling? You look a litter pale." She asked and I relized my skin was paler than normal and I relized that must be teh allergic reaction. "I'm sick, I don't think I can walk." I lied to her. And just then Zane walked in so I facked a caughing fit which wasn't that hard. "How are you feeling soon to be wife Jessica?" Zane asked and I glared at him while wheezing out "Terrible, what did you do to me? I can barley move." Concern flashed across his face but he quickly hid it, "you had an allergic reaction to a serum we gave you so you couldn't break out of hear." He explained even though I already knew that. "Well don't do it again, I not sure if I could survive if that's what the first one did." I whispered out my through dry. He nodded hesitately and said "When you are better we will be wedded, and if you refuse this girl here will be put to death along with her village." "Dude, you are a long way off from marrying me. First off I'm to weak to move that much, second off it will be a while before I feel well enough to walk let alone host a wedding." I said sarcasticly and he scowled thinking this was true. "Any way, your being moved in an hour so rest up." He said then walked away. I looked down at my locket and saw there was a phone symbol on it. I tapped it and suddenly is had a phone in my hand and it rang once then someone picked up. "Jess is this you?" Sky asked threw it and I coughed for real before answering "Yes, it's me. It's a new symbol on my amulet so I figured it would call you. Zane said he's moving us in an hour and as you won't get here for nine. I can tell you we won't be at Okasis, anyway I should get some rest I relay don't have to pretend I feel terrible." "I hope you feel better, don't worry we'll find you. Get some rest and try to recharge your powers." He replied before hanging up. Then Isabella crawled over to me and we sat together before falling asleep I saw she had a gash on her leg that was dirty and when my hand touched it it healed. I smiled, good thing teh serum didn't dim my healing powers. Then I went back to sleep.

Zane: "Anyway I should get soon rest I don't even have to pretend I feel terrible." Jess's voice came from teh cell as I passed it. I looked in threw the one way glass and saw the girl crawl up to her and tehy snuggled together. I relized she must have been talking to the girl and relized she wasn't lieing about feeling terrible and weak. I went to go get the witch that would tie her up along with the girl and bring her to the remote secret village of Naoto were we would be wedded without her anying friends ruining it. "Zane, are you happy today?" Asked a guard that was new. I turned to him with a face grin and said "I feel wonderful" sarcasticly then I dropped the smile scowling at him. I would only be happy when I was married to Jess. Man her sarcasm is starting to rub off on me. I'm never being sarcastic again.

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