Nicole's brother

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Emalyn: I was following Garroth and Cadenza down to the docks with Kenmer by my side. I saw a ship docking and some people getting out. Laurance walked down the gang plank with another person behind him that I had seen in the village announcement  when they were leaving on a trip to find somthing. Sly was his name I think. I was jerked out of my thoughts when I looked up to see at the edge of the boat a guy with a purple amulet and sunglasses was standing with a Purple Pheonix on his arm. "It's A Pheonix!" I screamed and ran us to look at it closer. "It's Jess." The guy who was holding the pheonix said. Wait the sentence Cadenza had said had the word Aphmau and Pheonix. "How did you get your self turned into a Pheonix?" I asked Jess as I stroked her beak. She looked at the guy and they seamed to be speaking. "Jess says that we'll explain it when we get to her house." The guy said. We walked to Jess's house with a lot of other people I dident know but I was to busy trying to figure out how to turn Jess back. I would have walked into a door but Kenmer carefully steard me away from it. We sat down in Jess's kitchen and they explained the whole thing. "I need to consult my books!" I said then Kenmer and I ran to the library.

Nicole: "Kawi~Chan is realy glad Aphmau~Sempi is back! Even is Aphmau~Sempi got turned into a Pheonix" I heard Kawi~Chan say as I walked into Aphmau's house. I was just coming over to see how Phenix drop was because Aphmau I mean Jess was on a quest. "Jess is back??? What's this about a Pheonix?" I say walking in to the kitchen. I see a bunch of people staring at me but my eyes fall onto a Pheonix sitting in the middle of the table. I look into its Amber eyes, "Jess?" I say staring at the Pheonix. The pheonix nodded, "How......." I said as I walked over to her. Jess just looked to Laurance, Sly and a guy with sunglasses, "Jess got turned into a Pheonix by her crazy uncle and now the uncles dead and we don't know how to change her back." Sly said. Then I saw a man with Red hair and a light red beard, I would know those eyes anywhere. "MAX WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!" I yelled at him standing over him with my claw thingys out. "I've just been with My buddies Nicole! I sorry I dident visit." Max said but I could tell he was realy sorry. "Just don't ever leave us like that again! Dad and I thought you were dead!!" I said pulling away my claw thingys and crying with relief of seeing him again. He had Disaperd when he was around five then shown up again when he was around twelve. He had visited when he was fifteen but had never returned sense. He hugged me and said "Sorry big sis." I hugged him back and my crying slowed. Everyone was staring at us, "and what are you looking at?" I said as I pulled away from my hug with Max. "Ummm." Every one said then Jess walked over to me and nussled my hand which was on the table. I petted her beak and I calmed, "You have to come see dad he thinks your dead." I said turning to a Max. "But." He started then seeing my look he sighed and said "Fine. But after words I'm going with Sky and company to find a friend of Jess's who needs a Pheonix feather as a cure for a illness he has." "We'll stay here for a week then we'll head out. Hurry back Max." A guy with sunglasses and a purple amulet said. I grabbed Max's arms then proceeded to drag him outside to my horse. We were going to see our dad and he would be so happy! "Jess says goodbye! And so do all of us!" Laurance yelled from the door as I jumped in my horse. Max got on behind me and I called back "Bye Laurance!" Then we rode off.

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