Extra Chapter and Sky's small head wound

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Hey guys Star here! And I know what your thinking. Wait hasent she has already updated today? Well the answer to that would be yes butttttt as a gift to KateKitten923 I have made an extra chapter as teh last one was kind of short. (Also a super frustrating thing was I had written this extra chapter but, guess what happened? WATTPAD DIDNT SAVE IT. Oh well.) Enjoy the chapter Kate!

Sky: I heard a creaking sound and I sat up opening my eyes to see a dark figure before my bed then it throws some thing at me and it hits me across the fourhead knocking me off the bed to the ground. I fell blood start to poor from the wound and before I can call out threw the link or out loud some sent drifts to my nose and I imedetly feel to sleepy to say anything and my thoughts get jumbled. 'Must, protect, Jess.' I thought as I struggled to fight it off but with another wiff of the smell I blacked out completely. Voices, teh voices were shaking me. Why were they shaking me? I wanted to sleep. My thoughts were in a thick bog covered by an even thicker fog. One though came threw the fog, 'Jess!' I forced myself to wake up, well kind of wake up. The voices became slightly clearer "Sky! Wake up or I'll take your butter!" That helped me wake up more and I opened my eyes groaning at the sharp pain in my fourhead. (He put back on his shades before sleeping.) "Sky!" A voice said that I snow identified as Ross. "Ross?" I asked as I blinked furiously trying to wake up from the fog that was still around my mind. My vison was cracked on one eye, I must have broken my glasses when I got hit out of the bed. I thought that helped me wake up further. "Jess!" I said sitting up strait putting my hand to my fourhead were I felt dried blood and a sharp pang of pain. "Slow down Sky! You have a terrible gash on your Fourhead." Caster said while stoping me from falling back into my lying down position I had been in. "I can tell! It hurts like when I got bit by a Whvren!" I said as he started to wash away the blood with hydrogen peroxide. "You got bit by a whyvren before?" Laurance asked as I took in a sharp breath at the pain, but the pain helped clear my mind. "Yes, Jess can understand whyvren a so when we came across a little one who she called Molten she told it to bite my hand if I tried to sneak a cookie. Let's just say I did and I regretted it. Now about what the heck happened last night." I said as he bandaged the cut. "I woke up to a creaking sound and opened my eyes while sitting up to investigate....." I thought back to last night. "Then someone threw somthing at my fourhead as I sat up that must have given me this cut and knocked me off the bed. Before I could yell for help out loud or threw the link...." I thought some more trying to remember why I hadn't gotten back up again. "There was a strange smell and I blacked out after smelling it." I said while looking towrds the window which I now saw was open and Laurance as exsaiming the edges of it. "So someone knocked out out and kidnaped Jess? Shouldn't you have just telaported to her?" Angel asked. I stared at her as if she had grown two heads "I can't telaport!" I exclaimed. "Well you might not think you can but when you guys were knocked out and we tried to move you guy two far away from each other you would telaport right back to were Jess was. So we had to leave you guys in the same room and move your cot to a closer corner." Angel retorted as I started at her amazed. That's why my bed wast in the same place as normal! Then I said somthing silly like  "Oh." And I felt slightly dizzy as I stood up and sat on my bed quickly. " You lost quite a bit of blood my friend. You'll have to stay here untill noon at least. We can't find any footprints or crowbar marks showing how he got in and out. Whoever it was used magic, to open the window and make you unconscious." Caster said making me lie down. I didn't argue, I couldn't look for Jess when I couldn't stand without falling over. "We're Sly?" I asked seeing he wasn't in the room along with Steaven and Katz. "They went to go search for May and Alex." Garroth responded, Cadenza at his side. "I think I should get some rest..." I said trailing off as my eyes shut still not fully awake from the effects of the smell. And I drifted back into darkness hoping Jess would be okay.

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