Puppie promises

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Laurance: I saw an opening and stabbed Zane from behind swishing my sword and channeling my shadownight energy into him making him die painfully after what he did. Then Jess screamed "No! Dad!" And I saw him fall to the ground Mjolnir going back inside of Jess's amulet and Sky catching Thor's body. Then Jess released a wave of pure energy and when it hit me, Zanes body disloved and it passed threw me like a wave curing all of the wounds I had gotten and I felt my shadownight self and desire to evaporate on the wave of pure energy. When I opened my eyes I felt like I had before I had become a shadownight, full of emotion. (When he became a shadownight most of his emotions Disaperd except for anger, loyalty and love.) I would have shouted for joy but I knew now was not the time. I ran to were Sky was lowering Thor's body that was already pale, but he had a smile on his face. He handed the body to me and I used my powers to help me hold it. Then Sky ran over to were Jess had collapsed her amulet glowing and I noticed so was Sky's. He picked Jess up bridal style and she automatically curled closer to his body and I saw clouds were beginning to cover the area and it was going to rain. Storm flew over and cleared a cloud above Jess and Sky but the clouds just telaported back, so he gave up trying. We all started the Jonrny back to Pheonix Drop were Lucinda, Steaven and my mom are waiting after telaporting. It was when we were about an hour in when it realy sunk in that I wasn't a shadownight anymore. "Wait. This isn't a dream. I'm not a shadownight anymore." I stated stoping my horse. Everyone turned to look at me, "I'm not a shadownight anymore." I said excitement growing in me. Everyone smiled and Sly mentally high fived me along with Max and Sky. "Sly do you think we'll ever find dad?" I asked him hesitantly as we were riding alongside each other. (Thors body is being floated between them.) he nodded "After Jess recovers from this I can tell that will probuly be our next mission. Also I might have read her mind earlier when she was planing out the next three years of our life." Sly replied and I laughed then stoped realizing he was serious. "Next three years of our life!? When did she get enough time on her hands to plan that?!" I said amazed then he laughed and said "Okay maybe not next three years but the next mission she planed out already. Which is how I knew." I sighed in relief, not that I didn't want to travel around for three years just the how did she get enogh time to plan that part. "Guys Jess is starting to wake up, be quieter." Sky warned and we were silent again reminded of the dead body Sly and I were levitated get which takes quite a bit of energy but non of the horses would carry it sooo we had too. (I hate spell check, it makes most of my the's to teh's which is anoying cause I don't have time to fix all of them!) "hey guys," I heard Jess say as she sat up infrount of Sky. "Hey," everyone responded at Different times. "I had a dream of my mom and Dad walking and talking together. They were both dead, even if I could bring him back I wouldn't. Sure we'll all miss him but he's happy." Jess said sadly and I could tell she was trying not to cry. 

Jess: I watched my parents talking about diffrent things I had done all my life and who they thought I would get married two. "I think she'll marry Sly, he is after all Captains son." My mom said and then my dad said "So is Laurance and now that he's not a shadownight she coudl like him! But I think she'll marry Sky. He even had the same amulet as her, I think their soul mates." My dad replied and my mom laughed "I was joking with you Thor! And did you know even when she lost her memory from your brother she named her dog Thorgi? It's sad they all had to die in the first war with Zane. Come here Throgi!" My mom said and I saw Throgi run up to her! "You miss Jess don't you?" She asked scratching Throgi behind his ears. "Well I'm going to send one of you and Pheonix's puppies for her to have, I just place it on her bed." My mom said then I woke up smiling and wrapped in Sky's arms. "hey guys." I said in a sad tone even though I wasn't as sad as I would be had I not seen my dads happy face. "Hey." Was the unanimous reply so I deside to tell them some. "I had a dream of my mom and Dad walking and talking together. They were both dead, even if I could bring him back I wouldn't. Sure we'll all miss him but he's happy." I told them and whipped away a quick tear at the thought of never seeing him in Perosn again, alive that is I could feel his body behind me. "That's wonderful, why are your thought full of puppies?" Sky whispered into my ear and I electric slapped him. "Who said you could read my mind?" I whispered back angerly and he laughed softly. "Your thoughts are petty loud and I think it's because of our amulets." He replied kissing me on the fourhead. I tilted my head back and kissed him on the lips and then we rode on in slilance for an hour before suddenly I remembered what my dad had said. "Laurance! Your not a shadow night anymore!" I squealed excitedly. And I turned around looking at him with a huge smile on my face. He smiled back and replied "Yup!" "After teh funeral we have to have the three way wedding, yes Kala and Katz I heard about you two being engaged! Oh no one knows that yet was I suppose to tell? Nevermind anyway we have to plan teh three way wedding then we have to have a celebration for Laurance being 'normal' again and then we can all party! And I can prank Sly and Katz!" I said exciteoh and everyone laughed at my enthusiasm then Skya nd Katz both stoped laughing abruptly and Katz said "Wait did I hear prank Katz and Sly?" I giggled then put on a serious face and said "You didn't hear anything....." "I most certainly did! Don't you dare get Lucinda to turn me into a cat!" Sly warned and I smiled evily, silly Sly you just gave me that idea. "Oh no, why did I say that." Sly said and we all laughed before I zapped everyone slightly giggling as they yelled at me.

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