Just a Prank

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Hey guys Star here and I wanted to ask if I could have some prayers as I have a test online tomorrow that's due tomorrow. And I just found out our internet goes out at Midnight so I can only do a short chapter tonight! Back to the book.

Laurance: It was cool having a brother that I could teach powers to. Sly and I were practicing outside (this is the next day FYI) with our powers, "would we know when Jess speaks to any of us three? Or can she direct it to just one person?" I asked Sly as we took a water break. "Maybe she can and doesn't know how to yet or maybe she already knows how. She might just not be able to at all though. Can we just speak directly to her or would you and Sky hear? Well just have to find out." Sly replied. Then he used his powers to lift up a bucket of water and dumped it on me. "Hey" I said as I was now driping wet. Sly just sprinted off me close behind. When I was about to catch him I heard Jess say "Where are you guys?" "I might be chasing Sly after water was dumped on my head." I replied. "I think it was just a prank bro!" I heard Sky's voice replie. "Yes just a prank bro! Stop chasing me please!" Sly yelled in our heads still running away from me. I was gaining and tackled him "Caught you!" I yelled as Sly tried to struggle away. We both got up and went back towrds Jess's house for breakfast. 

Sky: Laurance and Sly walked into the house with Laurance wet and Sly slightly damp from were Laurance had tackled him. Jess and I both laughed though her's was a Beatiful caw. (Caw Caw Ca Caw!! Cue Jess's magestic mating call.) We ate Zoey's wonderfully cooked Pancakes with Malici and Levin. Then we heard running foot steps and a voice "I'm going to see Aphmau er Jess some reason you don't want me to see her and I will!" "Kiki!! She's Sleeping and just has a cold. Leave her be!" I heard Garroth lie outside the door trying to prevent her entrance. "Move aside!" Kiki said then she opened the door Garroth trying to drag her back.

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