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Sly: We were talking around the camp fire when Jess suddenly Cawed very loud and in our brain she yelled "OMI!! OMI!!" She ran over and flew to a Person in black but not like the other people in black this one had a familiar feel around him and he had cat ears and tail? "Hey guys Long time no see!" The guy said taking,off his mask to reveal Pbat?!?! All of the few jumped to their feet, we had thought he was dead. We had found his transceiver broken and covered with blood on the ground and he never returned. He didn't even know Jess had left! "Pbat?" I asked still standing there in shock. "Yup! I'm Alive!" He replied stroking Jess's feathers. "We thought you were dead!! Why didn't you come back?" Jess yelled at him but of corse only Laurance, Sky and I heard her and we winced. "Jess wants to know how you aren't dead and why didn't you come back sooner." Sky asked, he usually interpreted it when she was speaking. "You guys probuly found my transceiver covered in blood. I was ambushed by a bunch of the villains we've fought over the years and the first thing they did was rip out my communicating devise! It injured my ear drum hence the blood,but my ears all good now. They took me to their base where they tried to get answers out of me about our base, our wepons. But I didn't answer, one day they used a device to put me to sleep and look at my memories to try to see. I did pass out for a entire year but they didn't get anything still. I'm not sure how long I was in there for but when I got out no one had even heard of the few and I dint know how to get back. I've been going around helping people with my Cat reflexes ever sense. I came across a strange base where a bunch of people in black who were Possesed were being ordered around by a priest looking dude with black hair in one eye. He said somthing about a Aphmau and I knew that was Jess's middle name and somthing about a Pheonix so I desided that you guys must be near by. I saw your fire and headed over. Your not very far from there camp. We should move." Pbat said casually. "I'm glad your not dead." Jess said. Sky translated then Jess flew back to a perch we had set up. "Katz was in a coma for a week after separating from Venom. Loki used a spell to put Venom inside of Katz but Venoms good now. Angle here is Venoms daughter and Sly and Laurance here are brothers. Jess got turned into a Pheonix after defeating Loki on we and for all. I'm Sky and this is Ross and Max my copainions. We were fiends with Jess before she met the few. You already know Kala I see." Sky said introducing everyone. Pbat nodded before pricking his ears. He wasn't a meif-wa but just had super good hearing and stealth. Like a ninja, his suit inhanced that ability and had car ears on it. We packed up all the while telling Pbat about our crazy adventures, but Pbat stayed alert as if he was expecting an attack at anytime. When we all got on our horses Pbat turned to me. "Sly, Suit up. If there is an attack we need to be able to attack quickly." I nodded and put in my suit quickly. It felt good to be wearing it again! I'm kinda glad Katz was passed out for a week because I had had time to fix my suit. Jess also got better at flying to places about five feet of the ground. She still couldn't stay in the air to save her life though. 

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