Aaron lives!

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Jess: I looked Laurance stair in the eye and he sighed. "First off, how is he alive? Second off does this mean...." I started trailing off not being able to say my hope. "Arron could be alive!" Laurance said suddenly excited. Sky asked "Who's Arron?" At the same time as Sly said "Does he have black hair and were a hoodie?"  I turned to look at Sly and Sky and said "To answer your question Sky he's like my big brother that I never had. He sacrificed himself to kill Zane and protect me. Now Zane is still alive and that means Arron could also be alive. Now Sly, Yes he does why do you ask?" he shifted under my gase and then he said "I kinda saw him in a dream and he said his name was Aaron then I woke up?" My heart exploded with excitement. And I could tell they all felt my excitement too "This is so cool! Wait why do you look nervous?" I asked seeing his nervous and worried expression. "He may or may not have fall unconscious in my dream after that with a ton of wounds. I thought it was just a dream but now I'm not so sure."  "We're did you see him in your dream?"  I asked worried. "A stream, it had a huge tree by it." At that I jumped off of Cadenza's sleeping form onto Sky's shoulder. "I'll give you directions. Let's go!" I said and Sky,Sly, and Laurance sprinted out the door. I gave directions to Sky and Sly but Laurance didn't need them. He got there before us and I could hear a gasp as we rounded the corrner I saw Aaron my big brother was unconscious on the ground wounds covering his body and he was bleeding heavily. I glided down from Sky's shoulder and landed beside him. He was breathing but he had major loss off blood. There was no way he was going to make it unless.... I concentrated. Unless the legends were true and a Pheonix's tears could heal almost anything except for death and super near death siduations. Man it was a lot harder to cry in Pheonix form then in human form. I couldn't seam spot make any even though his life depended on it, I relized it would be to hot around me even if I was to cry so I concentrated on making my body cooler. I could hear Laurance, Sly and Sky asking what I was doing then Sky stoped asking as he relized what I was doing. Once my body was cool enough I managed to create a tear and let it fall onto him. It healed all the skin around were the tear had fallen and I cried a few more tears healing the most dangerous wounds. Then Laurance and Sly picked him up carefully so we could bring him back to the village. I hoped into Sky's shoulder cuddling closer warming me. He chuckled but aloud me to snuggle in close. He shifted my into his arms so now he was carrying me by his waist and I cuddled closer warmth filling my body. Sky started singing a song he had sung when he we were younger and I remembered when I fist saw Sky's eyes. They were a deep Hazel that changed from Green to Brown. Once and a while they would look even gold, he hated his eyes and covered them with dark sunglasses feeling insecure. Now he wasn't insecure but it was habit and he never took them off. I peered at his Amulet, it looked kinda like mine exert for the lack of the Mjolnir symbol and it didn't have the intricate designs trailing up and down it. "This is what he wants along with your amulet. Find your father and his friends, they will tell you the legend." My mothers voice rings threw my head. I was so started I almost fell out of Sky's arms, "You okay?" Sky asked and I said "We just need to call a meeting. My mom just told me we needed to find my dad and his friends and ask him to tell us The Legend." He nodded his head and agreed. Laurance and Sly both agreed threw our link and we headed back to the house to get Kawi-Chan and Zoey to check on Aaron.

Hey guys Star here and i decided I didn't care wheaten or not I got enough votes to make Aaron alive. If he's dead in the real series I'm gona make him alive here even if they don't get shipped. Even though I don't ship them here or in the real seires I do miss him. I also wanted to say YES LAURANCE IM SO GLAD YOUR BACK BRO AND GARROTH SUPER COOL YOU HAVE A RELIC ALSO I WONDER IF LAURANCE OR KATLEN WILL BE THE NEXT ONE TO GET ONE THOUGH. Okay ranting over, have a good day or night.

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