Info for u guys

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Hey guys Star here and I wanted to clear up a few things people have been asking me about.

A.) the parents of Jessica Aphmau Odionson. Mother : Lady Irene the leader of the divine warriors who is basically dead as far as we know. Her Father is Thor Odionson who is from Asgaurd and was king of it. 

B.) Asgaurd the real one I am pretending fell aka it doesn't exist anymore and all the other realms from the Thor movies don't exists anymore. Earth only exists and as you can tell it is much, much diffrent from how it realy is. 

C.) Laurance and Sly's parents. Mother : Wanda aka Scarrlot Witch, she has realy cool powers and can move things with her mind and other cool stuff. Father : Steve Rogers aka Captain America, really strong super solider. Fake father who never even kissed Scarrlot much less married her : Tony Stark, was super rich and had a bunch of really cool suits but all that disappered when the main Lord (Okasis cough cough!) destroyed everything he had made so his people wouldn't have high tech stuff. Tony never married for real or had kids.

D.) Sky's parents, well we don't know anything about them all we realy know about Sky is his name and he is an orphan and has always had his amulet. 

E.) Sky's amulet, well we don't know much about the amulet expect it similar to Jess's Amulet and now had two carving on it. A Pheonix and himself. He has once turned into a Pheonix, once shot a beam of energy out of it at Jess helping her become human again and we realy don't know what it can do yet.

F.) will there be another book after this? I honestly don't know, I might (AND I SAID MIGHT) have another book after this one. I haven't desided yet, also this book is not over yet. Anyway I will write the actual chapter later bye!!

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