Emotion overload

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Jess: I was talking to the girls and Sky was translating for me, I could tell Sly and Laurance were doing some diabolical thing because I could feel it threw our link but I'd didn't question it and they ignored it when I spoke to Sky so he could translate. "Sooo Kawi-Chan, when do you think Dante will pop the question?" Kiki said excitedly. Kawi-Chan blushed and replied "Kawi-Chan hopes it will be soon,Kawi-Chan would definitely say Yes." "So exciting!! I wonder if Garroth will propose to Cadenza soon!" I said excitedly but quite in our link as you could only hear it if you were listening. Sky heard and translated. After a few more random conversations on the cute ways to propose I asked louder threw our link "Is he awake?" Knowing that Laurance was downstairs with Aaron my bro. When he sent me back a nod I was estatic and I jumped up onto Sky's shoulder and he said "Aaron is awake I think Jess wants to see him." Sky was smiling as the girls jumped to their feet following Sky as he sprinted down the stairs me on his shoulder. I could hear Angel and Kala laughing as they hadn't even seen this guy yet. Laurance dodged out of our way laughing as Sky quickly brought me into the room feeling my excitement. I was being wayyyy to excited, I took a deep breath then I jumped right onto Aaron's lap sighing glad to see he wasn't in the terrible condition he had been in. Anger flowed threw me at the thought of Zane hurting Aaron, then relief flew threw me. Then joy at Aaron reconizing me then realizing duuu I'm the only Pheonix around. Wow my emotions were way out of controle and Laurance asked me concerned "Jess, you okay?"  It was if a different emotion went threw me each with amazing intensity. I found I couldn't even respond and Sky quickly picked me up and I managed to say threw the link "Somthings.......Wrong.....Get......Lucinda"  Sky quickly rushed me out of the room and as soon as we got outside I relized I was also on fire. Waves of emotion flew threw me and I could hear voices in the back of my mind before I welcomed darkness.

Sky: I was standing out side Jess in my arms as she was on fire and you could feel the waves of emotion coming off of her. Every thing she feels is ten times worse then what we feel. So when one of us feels pain the other three will fell the pain just ten times less. So with the streanth of the waves coming off of her I can only imagine what she must be feeling. She suddenly goes limp in my arms and the waves dim to about half of what they were but the were still a strong as ever. I have been trying to calm her down threw our link along with Laurance and Sly but I didn't work at all. Laurance was now beside me but keeping his distance as she was still on fire and it wasn't hurting me in the least. "What they heck is wrong with her? Sly is getting Lucinda." Laurance asked from a safe distance. "I have no idea what is happening just that she must be feeling it a lot stronger than us." I replied worry lacing my voice. I see Lucinda and Sly sprinting up the steps to Jess's house and when they see me standing in the middle of the Yard with a flaming Pheonix who is Jess in my arms unconscious then stop and stare. "What's wrong with her?" I asked snapping Lucinda and Sly out of their thoughts. "I don't realy know, so you guys have a link with her so tell me what you are getting from it right now." Lucinda asks. "Very strong and random emotions. Like she's Happy on moment Angery the next and we can only fell ten times less then what she is feeling so she must have Thease even higher than what we are feeling." I state worried as the emotion keep going even in her unconscious state, in fact I think it's keeping her there. "Same for both of you?" Lucinda asks turning to Laurance and Sly. They both nod and Sly  says "She said to go get you and somthing was wrong, then she stoped being able to use the link." Lucinda then asked "How can you hold her when she's on fire?" I was startled did we not tell her. "I'm not really sure of how or why just that I'm immune to it and that's why I'm usually the one holding her." I replie, it was true we had no clue. I almost dobble over in pain along with Laurance and Sly as pain from Jess's emotions wash threw us. Lucky right after as was happyness because that hurt. We need to find out what was wrong with her and quick.

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