Glowing red eyes

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Sly: Laurance, Katz, Caster, Steven, Storm, and I (add in the rest of ten males.) went fishing at the pond. (Make up a pond I don't care, there is a pond now.) We had tons of fun and I caught five fish same as Laurance and Katz but Caster caught just one and Steven was the fishing master and caught seven. Storm caught three so he was decent. Even though Steven had caught the most I had caught the largest. We were bring them back to the village so we could cook them for dinner when we didn't see Steven anywhere. "Steven! We're are you?" I called out looking around to see his pile of fish was off to a corrner in a heap. There was no response and Katz called out "Steaven not funny!" An agin there wasn't even a whisper. "Guys............." Caster said backing away from the pile of fish and back towrds us. Then I saw what he was nervous of, there was two red glowing eyes in the bushes. "does this mind thing still work?" I heard Sky ask in my head which caused Laurnce, Max and I to jump."yes, Steavens missing and right now we're staring at two red eyes from the bushes." I replied still watching the eyes, when another pair appeared also red. "Get back to the village, Sky and I are on our way." Jess so a din our heads then about a dozen pairs of eyes were in the bushes and a black wolf lept out glaring at us. "Nice doggy," Caster said while backing away further. The wolf snarled at being called a doggy and lunged at Caster who wast weeping his suit so he couldn't Dodge, then Laurance jumped in the way launching a force field around himself and Caster. The wolf bounced off snarling  and the rest of its pack came out of the bushes snarling also. I sent a message in to the leaders mind "BACK OFF" and the leader looked slightly snarled but kept its ground. Laurance's Shadownight sword appeared in his hand and he transformed into his shadow night form and some of the wolves cringed in fear but kept there ground. Then the leader did somthing I didn't expect, he transformed into a human, it was a werewolf!! "Stay away puny Shadow night! All we want to know is were the Pheonix is." Teh leader said while snarling. "We're is our friend?" I asked avoiding the question. The leader laughed and said "Oh him? Freza bring the boy forwards." A wolf drug a knocked out Steaven forwards but as far as I could see there were no bite marks. "Give us our friend and we'll tell you." Katz said and the leader wolf replied "Here, we have not bitten him." And Steaven was tossed unconscious to us. I scoped him up with my powers and placed him in a pile of leaves and said threw my mind "Jess, there werewolves, don't come." Then I said out loud "The Pheonix is no more." Which was true but the leader wolf snarled with anger "How did it die? Zane will have our heads!" Then they did somthing I didn't expect they all started to cry, just then Kiki, Jess, and Sky ran into the clearing and Kiki saw the leader and said "Boldof? Why are you here." The leader just kept crying and Kiki ran forwards and enveloped him in a hug. "I'm sorry for hurting your friend Kiki, but Zane said he would kill all the children and females if we didn't bring him the Pheonix that he's been talking about. Now when he finds out its dead he will kill them!" Boldof said hugging Kiki back. "Oh Boldof!" Kiki said while hugging him tighter as he continued to sob. Jess placed her hand on Steaven and his wound healed and then she walked over to Boldof and Kiki. "Shhh, tell Zane that Steaven teh guy you beat up said that the pheonix had gone into hiding and you are still searching for it. When you get to the base press this and weall know we're the base is and save the females and children." Jess said while stroking his fur, she handed him a bracelet with a button on it. the rest of the werewolves were also crying and Kiki and Jess managed to calm them down. "Thankyou Aphmau and Kiki, we will do so. Thank you again for being so kind to us. Your friend Steaven will not become a werewolve we didn't bit him." Boldof said then Kiki and Jess waved good bye and they speed back into the forest and then they turned and saw as all staring. "What! I'm friends with a werewolf pack!" Jess said putting her hands on her hipsas Kiki giggled at our dumbfounded faces. "That was unexpected.......... Is Steaven okay?" I asked rushing over to were he lay snoring. "He'll be fine, he just got beat up a bit. Let's go back to Pheonix drop and cook Thease fish! Yummy." Sky said picking up Steaven and I picked up Steaven's fish and we all tracked back to the village. 

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