Busting in

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Kiki: First they say Aphmau was cursed so she had to go off and leave for a month. A month then now that she's back they won't let me see her because she's sick. I left my barn where all of her old and new friends had stayed the life and marched up to Jess's house determined to see her. Garroth saw me headed towrds there and ran after me telling me to slow down. I ignored him and continued walking up the hill to Aphmau's house. Garroth sprinted in front of me just as I was about to reach the door. " I'm going to see Aphmau er Jess some reason you don't want me to see her and I will!" I yelled at Garroth. "Kiki!! She's Sleeping and just has a cold. Leave her be!" Garroth said, I could tell he was lying. "Move aside!" I said in my most commanding voice and pushed him out of the way. My heart felt a twang of guilt as I pushed him aside and I fought back the urge to ask him if he was okay. I opened the door and stormed in Garroth right behind me trying to pull me back. I walked into the kitchen to see Laurance, Malici, Levin, Zoey, a guy from a mouth ago named Sly and a new guy with sunglasses and a purple amulet. No Jess, wait there was a Pheonix on the table and I imedetly felt drawn to it like every animal. "Why hello" I said to the Pheonix stroking her beak. Then I saw her eyes, I imedetly knew it was Jess and that she had been turned into a Pheonix and she was still kinda freaking out. "It's okay Aphmau," I said gentley picking her up and stroking her softly. "Jess says she missed you." The guy with sunglasses said. "Why didn't you guys tell me? Can't you tell she's still not adjusted to this form? I'm assuming she only haves around three people she can communicate to though she can understand everything we say?" I asked gently setting Jess down onto the table. "Yes, and I'm sorry Kiki we just thought you would freak out seeing a Pheonix. Clearly we were wrong." Laurance said. "It okay, but just so you know next time somthing like this happenes I don't get excited around a new animal and freak out. I freak out in the inside then when I'm alone I freak out on the outside." I replied. 

Jess: I guess Kiki's passive animal magic is calming me down. It's true I still am freaking out at this form and I'm glad Kiki came. "Guys, Ask Kiki if she wants to have breakfast with us. Then you can tell her everything." I said threw the mind link. "Okay." Sly replied threw the mind link then said out loud. "Would you like to join us for breakfast? We can tell you what happens to Jess." "I would love too! Oh and Zoey. Kawi-Chan wanted me to tell you that she had a picnic planed and to go strait to her with Malici and Levin. It's for them." Kiki explained. "Of course." Zoey replied then she took Levin and Malici by their hands and lead them outside. 

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