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Aaron: my mind replayed the last moments threw my head. I grabed the amulet Zane had and felt its power rush threw me and I knew I couldn't let him hurt my little sis or her village. I grabed Zane and activated the amulet along with my stone I had found that made Amulets unstable. It exploded and then I faded into darkness. I heard voices but I didn't move, I first aloud my body to do a full exsaimation of itself before I moved. Wiggle toes, check! Wiggled feet, Check! Wiggle legs, Ouch I think I have a cracked shin. Wiggle fingers, welol you get the idea. I evaluated I had a cracked shin, a broken arm, numerous small cuts all around my body, a concussion, and of corse I was sore all over execpt for the random spots all over my body were there was no pain at all. I felt like I was on a soft bed, was everyone okay? Were they alive? Was anyone hurt in the explosion? Was Zane dead? Was Aphmau alive? I opened my eyes quickly to see Zoey near by washing my scarf that I used to cover my mouth and it looked like she had locked the door knowing that I only let certain people see my face. When she turned around and saw my eyes open her face lit up in a elvish smile. "Aaron! Glad your awake." She said helping me prop myself up on the bed. "Is Aphmau okay? Is anyone hurt?" I asked then she handed me a glass of water to quench my dry throat. "Aphmau is fine. No one is hurt anymore. All of us thought you were dead! Do you even know how long it took to find you?" Zoey said an angry look on her face but underneath I could tell she was trying not to cry. "A couple of days?" I asked confused. She shook her head and laughed slightly "Aaron, you've been gone for almost a year. So much has happened turns out Aphmau's real name is Jessica Aphmau Odinson and she's daughter of the Norse god Thor. She also met an old group of friends called the few that she lived with being a Puper hero before after a battle she was knocked out, lost her memory and telaported into Thease woods. The chicken shamens real name is Caster and was part of the Few keeping an eye on Jess because of the whole memory loss thingy. Jess got suddenly ill from her evil uncle Loki and Laurance and Gartoth took her to Caster who In turn took her to the hall. Once there her memory's started returning and she fought Loki again and she thought destroyed him but Mjolnir which is her magical hammer that her dad gave her exploded and sent shards everywhere and one into her stomach. It cursed her that she would die withen a month If she didn't find all the shards so they set out at once. Once day as they were sailing along looking for shards squids attacked the boat and drug Jess over board. Sky another even older friend who him and his buddies were searching for Jess for a super long time saw it happen and saved her. She slowly regained her memory of before she met the few, her dad had taken her away from Sky and his buddies because she need to learn how to defend herself from Loki who wanted her dead. Thor had taken away those memory's also so she wouldn't try to return to them. The squids were collecting shards also as their leader worked for Loki who wa still alive just traped in the shard that was embedded in Jess slowly draining her energy. Jess and Sky were kidnaped by the squids and escaped with the help of some new friends she had made along the way. But in the process of escaping Jess was freed from the curse defeated Loki and saved Sky's life by jumping in front of him when Loki's staff tryed to kill him after the battle. Mjolnir Jess's hammer had turned into an amulet by this point and it turned the killing Ray into a transforming Ray making Jess a Pheonix. And (Bunch of stuff that happened in this book plus all the details that you should know if you read the other two books.)" "So Zane is alive, Aphmau or Jess is a Pheonix, she can only talk to Sky,Sly and Laurance, there is a guy that's working with Zane possessing people who also controled fire. Ect." I stated taking it all in. She nodded then smiled "It's midnight so you should get back to sleep, you can see Jess in the morning." I nodded and drifted back to sleep all the new info drifting threw my brain. 

Hey guys Star here and I put the explanation in just incase you guys didn't read the first two books. A lot more happened in those two books then I put down, I just did a quick summery and even then it was very brief. I encourage you to go back and read the first two books of you have not yet already done so. Bye! Have a good day or night!

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