Black Buddie

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Kala: I walked into the tent Katz was unconscious in and saw Laurance and Sly had their eyes closed and were glowing bright red. Sky and Jess were squinting from the light then the light faded abruptly and Katz eyes flew open. "Katz!" I yelled rushing forwards, I hugged him lightly because I didn't want to hurt him. "Kala!" He replied sitting up, and hugging her back. "I thought you were going to die!" I replied tears starting to form in my eyes. "I won't die if I get some food, otherwise I'm not so sure." Katz replied kissing her on the cheek. Jess walked forwards and slapped him upside the face with her wing. To say Katz looked suprized was an understatement, "What?" He said just staring at Jess not even knowing it was her. Laurance, Sly and Sky were all wincing in pain as if someone was yelling at them and I guess Jess must have been yelling but all I could hear was her melodious bird voice cawing at Katz. "Jess says don't you ever run of like that again and don't you ever fall into unconscious for week again. Or she'll um zap you with a bunch of lighting. Or make you burn, with her super awesome Pheonix flame." Sky said as Jess nodded happy he had told Katz for her. Then Jess nuzzled Katz hand and jumped back onto Sky's shoulder. "Is Venom okay? You separated us I can tell." Katz asked concern lacing his voice. "He's right out by the camp fire talking with Angel. Come on! He's been worried about you too!" I said halling  him to his feet. Then I drug him out side the tent ignoring the laughs coming from the tent we left behind. "Guys! Katz is Awake!" I yelled coming up to the camp fire. Venom jumped up from were he had been sitting and gave Katz a fist bump, Angle smiled at her dad's happiness. Ross and Max sighed with relief that he wasn't going to die. The rest of the group just said "good to see you up, or Glad your better!" I just kept holding Katz left hand no wanting to let go. Katz didn't give any indication he wanted me to let go so i didn't. We ate some lunch and talked about silly things till dinner then we ate and discussed what had happened to Katz. "Venom and I were just flying about looking for Pheonixs like every day when a buzzing started at the back of my head. I ignored it but it kept growing lowder, eventually I just fell unconscious after I told Venom what was wrong. I'm glad You found us, I don't think I would have woken up if it hadn't been for Laurance and Sly." Katz said thanking them. Laurance and Sky just nodded and smiled evily, wait I know that look it means there going to prank someone. Sky's face got a grin on it too so I knew he and Jess were in on it threw their link. All of the sudden Venom and Katz gasped and everyone just kinda looked at them. "What is it?" I asked Katz as he had a look of amazement in his face. "Venom and I can still communicate threw our minds!" Katz said excitedly. Unfair I didn't have a link with anyone, but at least Katz was okay. 

???: I had been spying on this group of black clothed people. Almost all of them were being possessed and were following orders from a guy with Black hair over one eye. He had an evil feel about him and he was yelling at an officer for not getting a Pheonix? I hadent seen One in years! I crept closer using my stealth to hide me. "All I asked for was for you to get the Pheonix! How hard can it be!" The guy yelled storming off to his huge tent. I crept to the back of the tent silently as a cat. "Uggg! I need Aphmau! Her being a Pheonix won't stop me from getting her!" The voice said. This startled me, Jessica's middle name was Aphmau. No one had ever had the same middle name as her, I listend closer. "It doesn't help she has all those other people with powers protecting her." He said. Other people with powers? The few!! Were they here? Were they near by? I need to warn them this guy wanted Jess. Maybe for Mjolnir? But she was a Pheonix? How could she turn into a Pheonix? I sprinted along the tree tops away from the creepy guy and his Possesed army. I saw smoke in the distance, I ran torwds it, it might be them. As I got closer my Cat hearing heard Sly's voice saying "Okay, that's realy cool!" I crouched in the trees peaking out silently. I saw Katz, Sly, some other guys, Kala, Venom? Another girl sitting by Venom who looked a lot like him but younger. But the most amazing thing was the Pheonix. It was purple and blue with Gold,Silver,red, Orange, and bronze tips here and there. But the eyes of the Pheonix confirmed it, they were Amber eyes, Jess's eyes. This Pheonix was Jessica Aphmau Odinson, Godess of thunder, daughter of Thor. If Jess, Sly,Katz, and Kala trusted the group I knew I could probuly trust them too. I felt sick at my stomach think what could have happened with Steaven, and Caster. I slipped out of the tree I was hiding in and walked up silently to the fire light. They were all to busy talking to notice but Jess turned her Pheonix head and saw me. She started cawing a very loud caw and ran over to me flapping her wings and landing on my shoulder. "Hey guys, long time no see." I said taking off my Black panther mask smiling. 

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