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Sky: We were all waiting at Pheonix Drops gate ready to leave. I was standing by a Golden colored horse, with a black main. The horses name was buttercup which I found very fitting for me to ride on. I look up to see Max, Laurance and Jess walking torwds us. Jess will ride with me and buttercup first then Sly will be next with his Gray horse called Pepper. Laurance passed Jess up to me and she sat on a perch that was on the saddle in front of me. "And off we go!" Jess said excitedly. And we set off to search for Katz and Venom. ~~~~~~~~~~~Three days later.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jess was agin riding with me on Pepper when she started looking around and I could feel her tension. "What is it?" I asked her out loud and she responded "I'm getting the feeling that someone is watching us." I looked around also but could see nothing diffrent then the normal forest that we had been riding through. I heard the twang of a bow and a thud, Ross's horse Betty collapsed an arrow in her leg. Ross was thrown off in the process and fell on his are twisting it at an odd angle. "Get down!" I yelled and lept off Pepper quickly grabbing my butter sword and shield. Kala had already jumped down and was guarding Ross with her iron sword. Angle had run to the injured horse and was trying to calm it down so it wouldn't hurt anyone or itself. Laurance and Sly were back to back already dismounted from their steeds and were probuly using their powers to sense how many there were. Jess had flown to my shoulder and was just trying to balance. "There are thirteen of them and were surrounded."  Sly said threw our link. One Figure came out of the shadows dressed in black, Silver objects were in their hands that looked sharp. The figure spoke in a deep and commanding tone "Give us the bird and we'll let you be on your way." Did they mean Jess? I took an attack position and replied "You'll have to go through me first." The figure imedetly threw the silver objects at me and I managed to block them with my shield. "Ninja throwing stars?" Jess asked in my head when I looked at the objects that were half way threw my shield. The figure lept forwards and slashed at me with their black sword, I quickly intercepted the sword with my own and blocked it. Six other figures came out of the shadows, then in perfect sync they all said "Give us the bird." Laurance and Sly both started attacking the figures while Kala threw web at two, encasing them in web. "Laurance, Sly try not to show them your powers like Kala did, they might want to Kidnape her as well." I said threw our link and I saw a small nod from both of them as they continued to fight. Five more figures steped out of the shadows to fight, Angle had Ross's horse sedated, and Kala had put Ross's arm in a make shift cast from web. Ross was now fighting with his Left arm the one that wasent in the cast. Angle also had a sword and was fighting, Kala used her web to pull herself to the top of a tree and was sniping people from there. Max was knocking out the people Kala had tied up and got a arrow in his leg. I was so focused on fighting the first figure that had steped out because they were really good and I was trying to keep Jess from falling off. "It's now or never!" I heard Jess say then she latched her self off my arm and into a near by tree just out of reach of all of the people. She then sneezed and blew fire on one of the figures trying to climb up the tree she was in. The person screamed raveling it was a man and ran off into the woods. Laurance had managed to knock out two guys and Sly had managed to knock out two others. Kala had two people in webs and had sniped another. Max had knocked out the people in the webs and had injured another. Angle had brokers one of theirs arms and the other was knocked out. The guy I had been fighting I finally managed to knock out with my butter ingot which was very heavy but I was used to the weight. But wait, I mentally counted up the number of people. 2+2+3+1+2+2= 12, but dident Sly say there was thirteen? I turned around just in time to see someone about to stab me, Ross threw his sword with deadly accurately and it impaled the person threw the arm. "OMI that was close!" Jess said through the link. "No kidding!" Laurance responded.  "Okay guys lets bandage up the injured random people that attacked us and tie up the unconscious ones. Just tie them all up, we need to find out why the want the bird we are trailing with." Sly said being careful not to reavele who Jess was or how she was what she was. I agreed with a nod and started bandaging up the wound of the person who Ross had stabbed, well injured by throwing a sword. The person dident protest as I can imagine it hurt a lot and they knew they wouldn't be able to fight back. Kala tied up all the unconscious people and checked for injures. Sly was exsaming Ross's arm which was now swelling and Angel was bandaging the sleeping horses wound. "Um Jess can you get down?" Laurance asked looking up at Jess from where she was perched. Jess looked all around for a way down and when she looked down her claws dug into the tree. "How am I afraid of heights? I'm a bird and I have flown before. Well with Mjolnir buts what's the difrance? No, I don't think I can get down." Jess replied flapping her wings in frustration. I walked over to the foot of the tree and looked up at Jess, "Come on, well catch you!" I said placing my shield down by the tree, I sheath my sword. "I legit can't unclench my claws." Jess replied in a serious tone. Max who now had a bandage on his leg helped himself onto his spotted brown made and rode to the foot of the tree. He lifted his arm up almost to the hight were Jess was and waited seeing her fear. Jess slowly relaxed and hoped down to Max's arm, !ax lowers his arm and placed her onto My arm and she said "thank you." And I said out loud "She saids thank you." Max just nodded before climbing off the horse grimacing when he put weight on his leg. 

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