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Jess: After Max and Nicole had rode away everyone started catching up on what had happened around Pheonix drop. "Sky, can you bring me upstairs to Levin and Malicis room? I want to make sure their okay." I said threw my mind link with them. I knew Sly and Laurance heard this but they were polite not to interrupt or say anything as the question was directed to Sky. "Sure, hey Laurance and Sly want to plan a prank later?" Sky messaged back. " Sure!" They both replied and Sky said out loud "I'm going to take Jess upstairs to see Levin and Malici. You guys should get some rest. Kiki has a barn where we can all stay for the duration of our stay." Sky said. Kiki haven't been informed of my state until I was more used to it so I could answer her questions. Though knowing her she would probably be over soon enough to check on me. I hoped onto Sky's arm and hung on with my claws. Sly had made a old hawk cover for an arm into one that was fire proof and was stronger now. Sky walked up the steps to The hallway I pointed with my beak to Levin and Malicis bedroom door, Sky opened it and I saw Malici was sleeping but Levin was wide awake in bed. "wheres momma?" Levin said in his cute baby voice. I felt a tear slide down my Pheonix face as a Levin looked like he was going to cry. "Shhh, it okay your momma just got turned into a bird see?" Sky said placing me on the bed. Levin looked at me with wonder and said "Momma?" I walked over to Levin and covered him with my wings warming him from the cool night air. "Goodnight Sunny" levin said to Sky and Sky smiled at his new nick name. Then Levin and I fell asleep me protecting my baby.

Sky: "Goodnight Sunny" Levin said then promptly fell to sleep. Jess's Amber eyes closed and she too fell asleep. I walked back down stairs to see almost everyone had left to Kiki's barn with the instructions to not tell Kiki about Jess's condition yet just to say she had a small cold and was tired. Garroth, Laurance, Cadenza, Sly, and a blue haired Gaurd was with them. (I forgot to add Dante in to the greeting party so I made it he had just come with Nicole from Scales wind but desided to stay behind back in his beloved town of Pheonix drop where his lord Aphmau aka Jess lives.) "So Jess is a Pheonix and your brothers and both of you have powers. Garroth and Cadenza are dating?" The blue guy says. In response Garroth leaned over to Cadenza and Kissed her on the lips. Laurance and Sly just made the blue hair guy's sword float in the air in front of his face. "Cool!!" The blue hair guy said as I walked up. "Hello my name is Sky. What's your name?" I asked the blue haired guy. "Hello Sky! Laurance and Sly told me all about what you did for Aphmau I mean Jess and I'm truly greatful!! My name is Dante the third Gaurd in comande. I was on a trip visiting Scaleswind when Jess was on her journey to cure her illness." Dante said shaking my hand. "Glad to know! So are you and Nicole dating?" I asked Dante when we went for a walk outside as it was only five in the afternoon. "No, I only went to a party with her once and I got drunk and woke up with a hang over. Don't remember what happened that night." Dante said looking ashamed. "Don't worry, I'm sure Jess will forgive you. Do you like anyone else?" I asked him. Dante blushed and replied "Kawi~Chan and I are going on our first date tonight." "The Meif-Wa girl who talks in third person?" I asked. Dante just nodded then we went our seprate ways. Me back to Jess's house where I would be staying in the basement with Sly and Laurance and Dante off to his date.

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