Katelyn's alive!

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Max: We set out riding and it was quite boring just riding to Okaasis, but we had to ride at night so we wouldn't be seen. Jess had learned how to fly for short periods of time so she would fly every so often before landing back on Sky's shoulder. Sometimes there would me long lapses of silence and I knew they were mind linking. "Oh my goes guys say somthing out load every so often! This is super boraing!" I said after another hour of silence. "Sorry Max, and just so you know we were all just zoned out not mind linking if you think that." Sky replied apologetically. Suddenly Sly yelled "I have a idea!" And he and Laurance locked eyes and looked like they were having an conversation. "Okay then it's settled, when we next camp Sly and I have an experiment to try with our powers." Laurance said clapping his hands.  When we camped we were right near Okasis so we had to be quite and then Laurance and Sky both closed there eyes and suddenly my vision went dark. "Max, can you hear me?" Laurance's voice asked in my head. "Yes but I can't see anything." I replied and then a few seconds later my vison cleared again. "Max we have made it so you can now hear us all threw the link!" Sly said excitedly. "So I can hear Jess?" I asked excited and then Jess replied in my head "Yo Max, are you happy max? Or are you sad Max? Maybe your Mad max. Remember our Pax Max?"  I grounded aloud but laughed at the same time. Now I could hear what Jess had to say! Yay!! Suddely a figure bolted out of the trees with light blue hair who fell down flat on her face. "Uggg." Was all she said before Laurance shot up from his seat and said " Katelyn? Is that you? I thought you died in the battle?" 'Katelyn' groaned then said "Let's just say I just escaped from Okasis were I was being held for who knows how long and my legs desided to stop working." Jess flew over and landed on Katelyn's back and pecked at her head saying "boys help her up!" I walked over and helped her to her feet after Jess had flown back to Sky. Then Laurance told how they had meet Katlen, how she had give nine the, armour. How they thought she had died in the battle, and then Laurance told how Jess's name was Jess and not Aphmau though that was her middle name And basically everything that had happened. Katelyn looked at Jess and said "So your name is Jess." Jess nodded. "And your a Pheonix." Jess nodded agin. "And you can set your self on fire?" Jess set her self on fire then quickly put it out as some on might see the smoke. "Cool. Or should I say, Hot?" Jess Laughed threw the link and cawed (Caw!Caw! Jess's magestic bird call. Now we just need Garroths bird call.) we went to sleep threw the day planing on sneaking in tonight, to save there parents. 

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