Crashing the wedding

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I'm going to to skip to a week later when Sky and teh rest of them are trying to find Jess and Jess has already been moved to the very far away village and can't contact them because her hands are tied. Sky I'd starting to get worried whennnnnnn.

Sky: "she's not answering still! He could have married her already! You know she wouldn't let a child be killed." Laurance said. "If she was already married then she could still answer her amulet, they must have her tied up or somthing." I tired to find a reasonable explanation when suddenly Scarrlot said "Lucinda, Steaven. Come here please and place your hands in mine." Lucinda and Steaven walked over to her and slowly placed her hand in hers. " Laurence, Sly my sons Come here also." She said and they walked over and placed their hands on her shoulders. Sccarlet closer her eyes then she glowed bright red so everone looked away except for me cause I have awesome sun glasses. Then suddenly in their place was a alicorn, aka a Pegasus with a unicorn horn, a red alicorn. "Ummmm." I said confused of what just happened then tehy all spoke into my head 'We convinced our selves so we can now sense were Jessica is, Sky, get on our back and the rest of you follow on teh ground or fly in the sky.' I dutifully got in its back and it started flying the opposition direction we had been traveling in. The rest rode on horses on teh ground or flew in the sky. We were all traveling realy fast and suddenly I relized we were telaporting twenty feet forwards every second. Withen three hours it was night and I saw a village with a wedding set up in it. We landed just outside of teh village and teh Alicorn transformed back into Sccarlet, Lucinda, Sly, Laurance and Steaven. Sccarlet bowed slightly along with Lucinda then they telaported back to Pheonix drop as they had used all the magic they could. Laurance, Sly and Steaven looked slightly queasy but recovered quickly. "Let's crash a wedding!" I said just as the wedding march started playing. 

Jess: A witch had dressed me in a white gown and had my hands tied behind my back, she had seen me try to too up my amulet and tried to take it off but it had zapped her and was resistant to her spells so she had just tied my hands so I couldn't contact Sky. Isabelle was tied up near teh alter to remind me she would be killed if I didn't. I desperately looked for a way out, or a way to get Isabelle away from here and escape. But the witch had also put a spell on me that made it hard to think. I had a plan, they would cut teh bounds away right before I said 'i do' then I would touch the amulet and hopefully turn into a Pheonix, fly to Issabelles side, pick her up. And fly away while dodging spells from the witch. I walked or was enchanted to walk up the red long rug and I rehearsed the plan in my head. Maybe I could summon Mjolnir instead and fly away with Isabelle that way. I desided Mjolnir would be my best bet and when I got to the alter they started playing, late if I might add, the wedding march. The witch cut teh bounds and I quickly brought my hand so it looked like I was putting my hair behind my ear, then I touched the Mjolnir symbol and it appeared in my hand. I struck my self with lighting and ran over to Isabelle and grabbed her around teh waist after killing the person holding her. I laughed myself straight into the air but..... Got hit by a spell in my wrist. I switched Mjolnir to my other hand and kept flying away but an arrow hit me in my side which was very painful. I kept flying away to a near by forest when I relized the arrow was a paralizing arrow. I felt my side stiffen and slowly my whole body do the same till I started fallening thinking 'this is a stupid way to die' when Mjolnir fell from my hand and then a few seconds later I was floating again my dad was holding Isabelle and I, though I was paralyzed and couldn't move. 'Finally! Mind messaging works!" i said threw Laurance, Sly, Sky and Max's link. "Hi Jess!" They all replied as my dad flew down and set me on a bench with Laurance and Sly guarding Isabelle and me because we both couldn't do anything. "I'll fight with Mjolnir, okay Jessica?" My dad said and I managed to smile. With that he flew off into teh fight as Zane and a Shadownight army with him.

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