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Jess: I woke up in the morning to see Laurance was the only one besides myself that was awake. He must have taken the morning watch. I walked over to him and he lifted me up onto his shoulder. "How is it you can fit in my shoulder?" Laurance wondered out loud. "I can Shrink just small enough to perch on anyone shoulder. I haven't transformed to my real size for a bit." I replied gliding down from his shoulder. He nodded and watched expectly, I allowed myself to grow back to the size real size I was. My wings were larger enough to cover a medium sized child and if I learned how to fly I was large enough to carry a full grown person in my claws. Laurance gasped in awe of my awesomeness. (Hehe) then I shrunk back to shoulder size, and accidentally stepped on Angel's foot. She woke up suddenly and rubbed her head. "My father is about 1,000 miles away from here!" She said excitedly standing up. This exclamation woke up everone else including the three people who attacked us that we had not yet released from the possession because Laurance and Sly had passed out.  "Give us the bird." Two of them said while the third just stared at me. "Laurance, Sly. Could you?" I said. They said yes and then made the two who had said "give us the bird" recoiled and then asked where they were and what had happened. Like the rest Thease two boys only remembered going to bed and then waking up here. The third man was silent and he just watched me closely, then he whispered somthing to himself and Disaperd in a beam of light from the sky. I jumped back suprized and wondered what had just happened. "Let's go!" Angel said once we had sent the two boys on their ways. We all saddled our horses minus Ross,Max and I who couldent do anything. Then we began to ride to the direction Angel sensed her father aka Katz in. About two days later we came alone a tree with Katz sleeping in the top branches with a faint force field around him. I flaked my wings as hard as I could and grew to my normal size. I managed to fly up high enough to perch on the brantch right out side the force field when Katz stired. He opened his eyes but they were green meaning Venom was in controle. He looked at me before his eyes widened and he looked down to the base of the tree seeing Angel. "Dad! Why are you in controle of his body right now?" Angel called up. "That's a very complicated story one minute while I get down. Then you can tell me how you found and tamed a Pheonix." Venom replied from Katz's body which was very strange. He climbed down and I clumsily glided down to be caught by Sky. "We were flying around looking for Pheonix's like usual when he said he heard a buzzing noise. I dident hear it so I asked if he was okay. Then he just plummeted from the sky and I took over so he Wouldent kill himself. He Wouldent respond and then I sensed Angel near by and desided to head to her, wondering if she was with you guys who could help. When I was about 1,000 miles from here she went to sleep and I desided to do the same. In the morning I sensed she was coming closer so I desided to stay here wand wait as I'm quite worried about Katz." Venom explained. "Should we try to separate them?" I asked Laurance, Sly and Sky. "Jess, who is now the Pheonix who is here before  you asks if you would like to be separated." Sky asked pointing to me. Venoms eyes widen and he replies "I'm sure you will tell me later about how this happened. Now, yes I think we should try after you set up some medical equipment for Katz and I. He will most likely be unconscious but as for my state I simply don't remember what state I was in before being combined with Katz." After setting everything up we take one of my feathers and grind it up with other herbs and stuff to create a green mush. Then we make Venom eat it, it looked disgusting and by his face it was disgusting but he ate it anyway. After a few minutes he started to glow and then after a bright flash of light two bodies were there. One was Katz and yes he was unconscious and the other was Venom who was perfectly fine, he looked just like a normal person except for the black and green aura around him. Angel ran,over and hugged him tightly while Kala and I rushed over to Katz. Kala picked Katz up with help from Sly and placed him in a cot. "Good to have my own body!" Venom said hugging Angel back.

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