About to be smushed

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Laurance: After everyone had calmed down about Aaron being alive even if he was down stairs sleeping and only Zory had been in there along with Kawii-Chan. He had woken up earlier but had  gone back to sleep after a short explanation of what had happened. It was all we could do to keep Jess from rushing down and seeing him so we had left her in her room with Kawii-Chan, (Do you guys want Katlen to exist? And Travis? If yes I have a super cool way they could all meet.) Kiki, Angel, Kala, you get it. Sky was chosen to be the translator much to his dismay but he eventually relented after my explaining that Sly and I had to practice with our powers. Sky  and I were both inwardly laughing at this because we were going to do a prank with Ross and Max and then I was going to go talk to Aaron well, waiting till he woke up. Right now we were hiding as we watched Cadenza and Garroth kissing under an Apple tree. Max was filming from behind a near by bush and Ross was hiding in a pond right by them also filming but from a diffrent angle so they saw Sly and I while we were doing the prank. I concentrated making Garroth think and see there was a bee flying around, Garroth and Cadenza stoped kissing and I saw Garroths eyes follow the imaginary bee in my mind. I made the Bee land on Cadenza's arm and sting her. Sly was giving false information to Garroth that this bee was very venomous and would kill the person who got stung with up it very quickly but they wouldn't even know they had been stung. We didn't do anything to Cadenza who when Garroth started freaking out and holding her arm were the imaginary sting had been, "What's wrong Garroth?" She asked confused and I could feel him panicking as he relized she hadn't felt the sting! Ross would edit the video later with subtitles telling what was going on so we could show it to Jess to show her we had our pranked her. Garroth was panicking then we dropped the prank and the bee and the sting mark disappered from Garroths eyes. He blinked and scanned her arm for the mark but when he found none he said "A bee just stung you they type that you can't......" He trailed off not remebering were he had heard that or even if it was true. "Garroth? Are you okay? No bee stung me you just started to freak out for no reason." Cadenza said in a calming tone. Suddenly Sly bust out laughing and blew our cover, "Laurace! Sly did you do this?" Garroth yelled standing up and stomping over to us. We fled and ran Ross and Max right behind us, we got to the Gaurd tower and Sly and I split up. Me going to Jess's house to see if Aaron was up and him to go develope the video and edit it with Ross and Max. Garroth had stoped chasing us and was now explaining to Cadenza what had happened and I knew I'd yet an earful later. I sprinted down stairs to were Aaron was and walked into the room silently, Aaron stired and sat up winching slightly and he opened his eyes. "Hey man." He said giving me a weak grin and I replied "Hey....... Need anything?" He shock his head no and then he asked "So Zoey tell me I was out for over a year? How did Aphmau, oh wait Jessica take it when I 'died'" is shock my head remembering, "She stayed in her room for a solid month and when we finally got her to come out and thing go back to normal she started remebering her past. I think it's because she was remembering all the fun times she had with you so her mind finally opened then Loki was able to put her into a physical dream as soon as they started coming back." I replied but then seeing his guilty face at saying he might have been the reason I quickly added in "But she's so happy that she did remember, and so our her other family's they had been looking for her for a long time. Even if she is a Pheonix." He smiled at the thought then I heard Jess ask in me head "Is he awake?" I sent back a mind nod and she squealed and I could hear the foot steps coming down the stairs. "Well, looks like your about to be smushed so I'm outa here mate!" I said backing away to the door. "No! Don't abandon me! I don't want to be smushed!" Aaron said dramatically and fake sighed I laughed before opening the door and sprinting out of his room and the girls came tumbling down the stairs. 

Hey guys Star here and sorry for not updating yesterday day hope you liked this chapter cause the next ones going to be a couple of days after the incident. Then they'll head off to find Z parents.

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