Healing curses and death

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Sky: we were getting bandages and beds ready in Kiki's barn as we knew some would be injured. Kawi-Chan and Cadenza were making chicken soup so we could feed it to them, Garroth and I were also cleaning up the animal poop in Kiki's barn as that's were they were all staying, when I saw dust flying quickly in the distance. Suddenly I could see form a long way off and I saw Caster was trailing at his super speed carrying Angel who was bleeding from her stomach in his arms. Then my vision went back to normal and I ran to get Jess "Jess! Casters on his way here with Angel! It looks bad!" I yelled as  she was drinking some water. She dropped the water and ran over to me just as Caster ran up. We quickly placed Angel down on a cot and Jess placed her hands on Angel and her hands started to glow. Jess closed her eyes and the wound began to heal and Angel began to breath easier and she fell asleep. Then Jess opened her eyes and said "I think more people will be injured so we need to be ready they could be here any minute. Suddenly my vison became realy good again and I saw out of the window from hundreds of miles away clearly. Iron man was flying carrying Katz in his arms trying to go as fast as he could which wasn't that fast. Katz was very pale and had blood around his mouth. My vison went back to normal and I stumbled backwards a bit same as Jess. "Did I just see Tony carrying Katz who was super pale from hundreds of miles away?" Jess said while rubbing her eyes. "Me two Jess, and that's not the first time, that's how I knew Caster was coming with Kala." I replied. "Katz dos not look good. He looks....." She couldn't finish, she just trailed off and I enveloped her in a hug. "You can heal him." I whispered in her ear and she hugged back. Then we ran two the nearest cot and called Zoey over as she would help, Tony arrived half an  hour later (told you he was far away) with a limp Katz in his arms. (Caster has that stone that makes him super fast along with the flash suit so that's why he was able to get here super fast. Also he didn't use the stone before because they hadn't used teh stone till Jess returned and they had forgotten about them till recently.) We quickly placed him on a cot while Tony says "I had to restart his heart three diffrent times on the way here, he has internal bleeding." Jess gasped slightly and quickly placed her shacking hands on Katz stomach. She was shacking so bad her hands weren't even glowing so I placed my hands on hers and spoke somthing things to her I don't even remember what I told her. But she gave a small laugh and closed her eyes, her hands started glowing and so did her amulet. I closed my eyes and I could suddenly feel the energy that Jess was using to heal Katz and I saw myself giving energy also. The energy collided with each other and streath ended Katz energy which was just a thread. Once the thread grew to a nice thick rope I opened my eyes and saw Katz was breathing normally now and Jess suddly passed out. I caught her but felt myself passing out as well and collapsed with the last thought being 'when was the last time we ate pizza?' Then I fell to the ground as I felt Katz wake up.

Katz: I almost died multiple times I knew because I felt each time I was drifting away a tiny jolt of energy keeping me from drifting away completely. The scary thing was I couldn't move, smell, hear, or taste anything. I was just there not even able to think properly when I felt energy slowly start to fill me.   Slowly I started being able to think properly and the first thought I thought was why I couldn't move or hear or smell. Then I slowly began to smell a disgusting smell and a smaller more sweeter sent of flowers.. I slowly became awere of my figures and toes and my arms and legs. I still couldn't move but I could feel them. I heard a faint humming sound then it cleared into birds chirping and gasps and the backing up of foot steps. All the time the enters was flowing threw me every place of my body giving me new streath and a resolve to live and fight for life and Justice. I was suddly able to taste a metallic taste on my toung, blood I assume. My blood! I relized then the energy slowly faded away and I was able to open my eyes and saw I was in Kiki's barn were we had spent our first few months here until we had built houses to stay in. I heard a thump and I sat up slowly feeling perfectly fine and I saw Zoey was not staring at me but at somthing at the side of my bed. I looked were she was looking and saw a passed out Sky with Jess beside him also passed out but Jess had fallen part of the way on Sky. Both were breathing fine and I didn't see any injuries on them so I wondered why they were passed out. "Are they okay?" I asked getting out of bed and glaring at Zoey. Zoey snapped out of her staring and relized I was awake, did I get knocked out or somthing? Were were the others? I don't remember getting knocked out I just remember fighting Okasis Gaurds. Maybe I got knocked out while fighting one of them and Jess healed a stab wound I had gotten. Angel was also staring at them from a bed she was sitting in did she get injured? Did Jess heal her also? "Angel can you hall me get them in bed?" I said struggling to lift Jess as her arm was wrapped around Sky as tightly as his was wrapped around her's. "Katz.........." Angel managed to say as she got out of bed and walked over. I gave up on trying to lift them or drag them apart and stood up. "You were pretty much dead......... And then their amulets and Jess's hands started glowing and then you started breathing normal again and they passed out......." Angel said touching me as if to see if I was real. "What happened? I was fighting Okaisis Guards.... Did I get stabbed?" I asked as Jess's sleeping form cuddled closer to Sky as a cold breeze swept threw the room. "You saved Lucinda from dieing by the fire guy then he glowed black and turned towrds you. You collapsed and started bleeding form the mouth and I tried to zap hi with my lasers but it wasn't working. Then Kala jumped on him and stabbed him which he then stoped glowing black and he set himself on fire slightly burning Kala as she jumped off quickly. Every blot I had shot at him he had shot into you, then he took out the spdagger that Kala had stabbed him with and threw it at my waist. He said somthing to Kala and I pulled the dagger out foolishly as that made the wound bigger and more blood poor out. Then I'm guessing I fainted because then I was being run here by Caster with makeshift bandage around it. Jess healed me then I took a nap and woke up when they brought you here. Katz your face was pale you were barley breathing, and blood was in your mouth. Jess was scared she couldn't heal you and Sky helped calm her. Her hands and amulet started glowing and then Sky's amulet started glowing also as he was still touching her. Then your face became more colorful and you started breathing easily and then they collapsed as you woke up." Angel explained and I just started at them. Whoa, that was strange.

Jess: I placed my hands on Katz and closed my eyes. I could feel Sky behind me his arms wrapped around me his hands on my wrist as he whispered somthing things into my ears calming me. I could feel Katz energy aka life force was almost snapped completely, even a dead person had a stronger life force then him at the moment. His was a thread ready to snap useually it was a snapped rope that a recently dead person had (Jess can sense when someone's been recently dead because she can sense their life force thread or rope as it should be.) useually I just had to place teh ends of the rope back to heather and the dead person might come back to life depending on how long they had been dead. (Longest she's ever done is five minutes) if it was an injured person then some threads of the rope would be frayed or snapped and she would heal that p,s eh didn't even have to concentrate on it it just happened if it was a normal injury with no magic involved. If magic was involved it took a little bit of concentration but this I could tell would take a lot. I added more threads to the single thread he had and streathed it making it strong and clean, I healed every part of his body from the inside out as what ever had happened had used magic to injure every nerve. I healed his brain first were there was internal bleeding and gave him the ability to think again. Then I healed his smell and his nerves making him able to feel and smell again. I healed his nerves and body parts making him able to feel again and also made him able to see again though he wouldn't be able to see with his eyes shut. I healed the ability to taste and then I relized that td hole time Sky was also giving me energy helping me heal him. I was also awere that the magic that had pretty much killed him was also curses so I was destroying the curses as well. When I finished healing him completely and filling him with energy I was exsasted and pissed at the fire dude who Nagel said had been the one to do this to him. I knew I needed some rest and I felt a Sky's arms around me so I let my self pass out totally exsasted and then realizing duuu! So was Sky but I was already to sleepy to care. I felt him pass out also and I curled up to his side having his waist in a death grip as he also had me in a death grip. I snuggled closer to him before fully letting blackness take over.

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