Did we?

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Nicole: ~~~~Flash back to the Party with Dante~~~~ We were dancing and Dante and I had had to much to drink. Dante got drunk easy and I was harder to get drunk but I drank more than him. I remember going to his house and the next thing I know I was awake in his bed. Naked, Fear crept threw me as I relized what we must have done and I quickly dressed the sleeping Dante and my self leaving no trace that I had been there. ~~~Flash back over~~~ I was riding with Max behind me and I wondered if Dante even remembered anything that happened. Was I pregnant? There was no way to tell so soon after it happening. I would have to wait at least a month or two to be sure. "Nicole, we're here." Max said bring me to the fact we were standing outside Scaleswinds gate. I got down from my horse and the Gaurds let us in. We hurried to the palace were my father was, "Father! I found Max!!" I yelled dragging Max behind me as I ran into the throne room. "Max!! We're have you been?" Father yelled as I pushed Max torwds him. "I've been looking for a friend. But they were found so I came back to say hello before I went to help them as I'm their Gaurd." Max lied. I dident interrupt as I knew Max dident want the news to spread about Jess being a Pheonix and the easiest was to leave was to say he was a Gaurd. "Good for you Son!! Have you found a wife?" Father asked. "No Father not yet." Max said. Before Father could press further I cut in "Father Max has had a long day may he go rest?" Father nodded and I led Max to his old room. He smiled and went in closing the door behind him. I retired to my own room.

Dante: I hate that I got drunk but at least I dident do anything I could regret execpt that hang over had hurt. I walked to Kawi-Chans door with some pink flowers. "Thank you Dante-Kun for bring Kawi-Flowers!" Kawi-Chan says as I handed her the flowers. We walked to a restaurant that Donna had opened and sat down. We talked for a while and I got up the courage to ask Kawi-Chan. "Will you be my girl friend Kawi-Chan?" I asked her she replied "Yes!! Kawi-Chan would love to!" Then we kissed on the lips. I love Kawi-Chan! 

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