Talking to Jess threw a dream.

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Third Person POV: Jess's allergic reaction had gone down and she was starting to wake up. Zane had desided he couldn't inject more of the serum into her as he might kill her, (Alergic reactions get stronger every time you have them.) so he had taken a little girl so he could threaten to kill her of Jess tried to escape or not marry him. Jess's eyes fluttered open to see she was in a room and there was a girl crying in the corner. "Hey, what's wrong?" She said in a sore voice. The little girl looked up and Jess saw here blue eyes and her blond hair. "Lord Zane took me from my mommy and took me here. He said if you don't marry him I would die along with my village." She replied tears in her eyes. Jess internally screamed at Zane but she motioned for the girl to come to her. The girl got up and walked over, Jess picked her up and placed her in her lap. "Would you like to hear a story?" Jess asked the girl and the girl nodded her head. Jess started telling the story of the Avengers, and the little girl soon forgot of the troubling situation she was in and fell asleep. Jess was still tired but before she  fell asleep she tried to contact the others threw her link. It didn't work, so she went back to sleep the little girl right beside her.

Sky: We got on our horses and started off for Okasis. Me at the head, sword in hand I knew it would take a long time for us to get there. ten hours to be in fact, about an hour out I felt a soft buzzing in the back of my head. Then it stoped an I reached out to the buzzing only to find it completely gone.  Could that have been Jess? I would stay alert to the link at all times, if she contacted us I would be ready to hear her. Suddenly my amulet started pulsing. I looked down to see it glowing and throbbing and a new mark appeared on my amulet and my sword disappered from my waist and a sword mark appeared on my amulet. I tapped the mark and my sword materialized in my hand. When I tapped it again it disappeared. Then the Pheonix mark glowed and I debated in my head alone tapping it, then a voice said in my head "For goodness sakes just tap the dang thing!" 'Guys I'm going to tap teh Pheonix mark on my amulet a voice in my head told me two okay?' I told the groups threw the link as the rest were busy talking. Then all nodded and then I pressed it. The amulet stoped glowing and I felt my mind connect to Jess's mind and now I could see her I'm her dream were she was just kinda sitting. "Jess!" I said walking over to her in my dream or her dream I'm assuming. "Sky? Are you in my dream?" Jess asked as I hugged her. "Yes, my amulet started glowing and I tapped it then boom, here I am." I replied and then she laughed and stoped abruptly. "You won't be able to talk to me when I'm awake as Zane injected me with something that also gave me an allergic reaction. Her holding a little girl here and he'll kill her if I don't marry him so I'm going to milk my illness for all its worth." I laughed knowing how good Jess was at faking illness and hiding when she felt terrible. "We'll be in Okasis withen nine hours so hold on tight! Love you" I told her giving her a quick kiss. She gave me a quick kiss back And then pulled away saying "Love you too!" Then I was back on my horse and everyone was looking around franticly and my horse freaked out and bucked me off. "Whoa!" I said as I grabbed on to keep from being thrown. And everyone looked at me in awe. "Um what?" I asked and tehy all stared until Laurance said "you just disappered and we've been searching for you." I started at them dumbstruck, did I actually see Jess and hug and kiss her? "Um I was talking to Jess in her mind and she said there keeping her some were and if she doesn't marry Zame they'll kill a little girl they are keeping with her. But they injected her with somthing to dim her powers hence why she can't communicate with us though I'm not sure how I did. But she's allergic to what ever they gave her and now she's slightly sick but she says she'll milk it for all its worth. Let's hurry, they might mover her." I replied as everone got back on their horses. "That's cool, and I think it's because of your amulets." I nodded and we kept riding to Okasis.

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