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Katz: We have been searching for so long for a Pheonix that I was beginning to give up. Venom had become nicer and now we were best buds. most of the time I was in controle of my body and Venom would offer advice. Occasionally Venom would take over if I was about to do somthing foolish which saved our lives many times. We asked around about Pheonix's but we never came across even one person who saw one. "It's okay Katz, Well find one eventually. Don't give up hope." Venom  comforting me. Venom was like a dad now, he helped me when I needed it and trained me to be stronger and smarter. So when I got the sudden urge to go to sleep I fought against it. "Venom, What's happening?" I asked him quickly as I struggled to stay awake. "I don't know, But for now you must Fly!" Venom reponded and I took off into the sky as high as I could. The sleepiness left me and I could think clearly again. "What was that?" I asked confused, was it a spell? "Some one was trying to put you to sleep,  Why I'm not sure. You should stay high for now, maybe we can spot a Pheonix from up here." Venom replied. Well if there was a Pheonix we probuly could see it even from this night as my observation skills had gotten much better. I scanned the area where I had felt sleepy in and I saw some black figures. They looked up at me and pointed, I quickly clocked my self and became invisible.  The rest of the people looked up but just shrugged and kept walking. "We'll stay away from those guys" Venom said and we flew off in the opposite direction of the people. Suddenly a slight buzz began at the back of my head. I rubbed my head but kept on flying away. "Somthing wrong?" Venom asked me. "Nah, nothing's wrong." I replied ignoring the buzz. But as I kept flying the buzz became louder and it continues to do so. It was so loud I almost flew into a bird, "Katz? What's wrong?" Venoms voice came faintly over the buzz. "There's a realy loud buzzing noise!" I replied. I could hear him say somthing in return but I couldent make it  out over the buzzing. It continued to grow louder and louder until I started falling from the air. Venom took over and flew right back up but I couldent hear what he was trying to tell me and I faded into blackness.

Venom: Katz was acting strange he almost flew into a bird! "Katz what's wrong?" I asked him as he shock his head. "There's this really loud buzzing noise!" He replied. There was no buzzing noise! What was he talking about? "Katz are you felling okay?" I asked him confused. Then he when he dident respond I yelled "KATZ!"  He stoped flying forwards and just hovered for a second, then we plummeted. I quickly took controle and flew back up into the air. "Katz?" I asked but there was no response. I needed to find a place to land quickly and find out why Katz had suddenly gone silent, then I felt my daughters pressence withen 1,500 miles. What was she doing so close? I started to fly torwds her and when I got withen 1,000 miles I could tell she had fallen asleep. I desided I should go to sleep also then in the morning I hope Katz would be back. It was quite strange that he was silent, scary in fact. I dident want anything to happen to him, in fact as soon as we separated I was planing on adopting him. I settled into a tall redwood tree and fell asleep after creating a force field around Katz body. 

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