Freeing three

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Katelyen: That night we got ready to sneak into Okasis, and we caught the distraction at the frount gate so we crept in the back gate. We knew we had to be quite other wise there parents would be killed, I knew my way around the jail so I lead them in to the place were there parents were being kept. We knocked out the Gaurds and saw Laurance and Sly's mom on the floor with a soft force field around her and she was humming. "Mom?" Laurance whisper shouted and she looked up and smiled "boys! Girls! Your here! Wonderful! Okay Please unlock the cell the key is right over there." Scarrlot replied pointing to a box that was locked. I broke the lock and Sky too out the keys and opened the cage, they Sly and Laurance helped there mom to her feet as she had an injured ankle. "Okay, Thor and Tony are being kept here. I'm not sure about the others, I know Bruse is dead, they killed him with a serum." Sccarlet said as Max bandaged her foot. We ran down the halls until we came to a room with a glass cage were a sleeping Tony was. "Tony!" Sly said throwing a marble at Tony's sleeping form, why he had a marble I don't know. Tony woke up and looked up and said "Sly! Sccarlet! Who are the other people?" "Hi, 'dad' this is Jess the Pheoinx, don't ask. Katelyn, Laurance, and Max," Sly said using quotation marks when he said dad. Tony winced and said "I won't ask and I guess Scarrlot told you? But I'm guessing you still haven't been told your dads name right?" Laurance and Sky nodded as Laurance said "Don't tell us yet. We want to wait till after we get Thor out." Tony nodded as Max and I broke the cage open and Sly took out a duffle bug and handed it to Tony. Tony opened it and pressed a button and his iron man suit (one of them) fitted itself around him. "Thanks Sly, now let's go get Thor, I overheard there keeping him asleep so he can't get out." Tony said as we sprinted down the hall. We came to a room were tied down to a bed and fast asleep was Thor, Jess's dad. Jess flew up and just melted the wall that was blocking us from getting to him. Then she sat back down on Sky's arm and we all went forward and Sccarlet placed her hand on Thor's fourhead and closed her eyes after motioning for Sly and Laurance ego do the same. They did and then a few minutes later Thor woke up and groggily sat up saying "Tony and Sccarlet. How long did they keep me asleep for?" Jess fly at her dad and started pecking at his head as Sccarlet helped him stand. "Just incase you were wondering Jess is saying "DAD IM HAPPY YOUR ALIVE BUT WHEN WE GET OUT IM GOING TO KILL YOU FOR TAKING ME AWAY FROM SKY." And sir, I found her But she got turned into a Pheonix. Well explain more later just we need to get out." Sky said as Jess landed back on Sky's shoulder. "Jessica? I know how to fix that, let's get out of here" Thor said then we all sprinted back to the entrance to the jail when it shut and a voice rang out, Zanes voice "Looks like I've caught the bird in the cage."

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