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Laurance: My brain was to busy processing another member of the few they hadn't mentioned to us. We were on our horses headed back to Pheonix drop when my brain finally processed who Pbat had seen. "ZANE!" I yelled causing everyone to jump. "That's who Pbat saw! Zane is the high priest of Okasis (R.I.P spelling) who wants to kill Jess. He must have heard she was a Pheonix and sent some Possesed people to find her." I explained while everyone was staring at me. "Ugggg why Zane? Why can't he just stay in Okasis?" Jess said anoyed. (Okay I better just let you guys know the major change I made in Minecraft diarys. Zane did attack and the whole amulet thing happened but Garroth never helped Zane and the amulets just "killed" Zane and Arron. That's why Aarron isn't in my story. Now Zane didn't actually die he just got injured super bad and stayed in hiding for a long time regaining his streanth. They never went to the Irean dimention because there is none. At least not so far. You guys don't know yet weather Aarron is dead or alive. I'll leave that to what you guys want aka Vote on this chapter for Arron to be added. If it gets too.... Twenty votes withen a week. Then he'll be added. If not we'll he'll be dead. A and FYI if he is added there will be no Arrmau. Sry aarumau fans, I hate the ship.) "Is that smoke?" Sky says pointing torwds the direction Pheonix drop is in. I see smoke rising from the distance, and I see a Whvren, no it's Raven Garroth's Whvren! fly over head and dropped us a message. I opened it to read out loud. "Pheonix drop is under attack from A bunch of people. Come quick!" We spired our horses and galloped away to Pheonix drop.

Garroth: Cadenza and I were hanging out with Barney, Steaven, Lucinda and some other villagers when we heard a loud explosion. We quickly got up and ran over to see what had happened and we saw fifty people storming the walls Dante trying to fight them off and Kawii-Chan hitting one upside the head with a branch. I unsheathed my sword and charged Barney, and Steaven right behind me. Lucinda used a spell to telaport Kawii-Chan out of the fray while we attacked the forces. "Go find Laurance and give him this." I yelled to Raven throwing a scroll at him whitch I had witten down a quick message to Laurance on. As Raven flew off with the message an arrow flew at Cadenza. I used my force field powers to block it and it ricoshaded back and hit the person who had shot it. Another person I saw set a phile of hay on fire, which quickly spread. I tried controlling it by putting a force field around it to stop the flames from spreading but it had already spread to much. All the villagers were panicking and Lucinda and Steaven were Castting a rain spell. Caster was tending to the wounded and dogging arrows with his super speed when his suit died. "Not again!" He yelled drawing his sword knowing he'd have to fight with out speed. We ha Dbet fighting for about thirty minutes when I got shot in my sword arm. My sword dropped to the ground and I fell over trying not to scream. Suddenly the fire, which was now consuming half of Pheonix drop all spiraled into the sky and shot torwds the west side of Pheonix drop. Cadenza was now by my side tending to my wound but all I could watch was the fire disappere and be absorbed into somthing on the west side of Pheonix drop. "Garroth!" I heard Laurance's voice say as he ran from the west side of Pheonix drop sword in hand. Sly,Katz, Sky,Ross,Max, and the ithers from their trip (To lazy to write all the names.) behind him. Jess was perched on Sky's shoulder and was glowing brightly fire dancing off her head. "Jess absored the flames." Was all that I heard before I passed out.

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