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Sly: As the waves were rolling threw us I thought of why this was happening and how I could make it stop. I concentrated and used my powers to go into her mind to try to see what was wrong. In her mind she was flickering between her human form and her Pheonix form and she was dobbled over and she flinching with each wave of emotion. It was stronger here but she was unconscious even in her mind, I used my powers to wake her up in my mind. She opened her eyes and she gasped out "Help!" I ran over to her in her mind and picked her up, she kept changing from her human form to her Pheonix form it was distracting. "Jess concentrated on your Pheonix form and try to punch the waves away." I asked her and she stoped flickering between the forms but she could still speak and the waves were still coming off of her. "I can't make it stop!" She said Paincked. I winced as I felt my real body fall over from the waves and using my powers at the same time, but I didn't leave her mind yet. "Jess, were in your mind right now. I'm in your mind right now, I have to leave because it's using a lot of energy but know that were with your realy body even if you can't feel it. Well try to find out what's wrong with you. I'm leaving you with enough of my power to stay awake in your mind. Try to find the sorce of the waves, hurry because Sky, and Laurance can also feel it." I tell her, she nods then I stop using my powers and sink into darkness. That's right my body's unconscious also and I don't think I'll be waking up until the waves stop.

Jess: After Sly left the waves kept coming but I steeled my pain thinking "Laurance, Sly and Sky feel this also." I flew threw my mind searching for the cause and I found a small glowing mirror? It was facing the ground in my mind and I flipped it over using a claw. I saw there was a answer button but no decline. I answered it and a face showed up it was a lady with black hair and bright red light surrounding her, when she saw me even though I was a Pheonix she smiled brightly. "Hello Jessica! I'm Wanda or Scarlet witch as most call me, Sly and Laurance's mom?" She said. "Your Their mom? Cool..... Is Tony their dad? Cause they look nothing alike no offense." I said retreating my words. She laughed the said "No! The reason why everyone thinks so is sad though. I never married Tony or had an affair with him. I married Steve aka Captain America, but Laurance disappered when he was around three because of some of Steve's enemy's so I 'left him' and 'married'Tony. I never actually married him or anything or even divorced Steve but it was for Sly's safety that I did. I erased his memory of Laurance and Tony raised him me going around searching for Laurance. Somthing happened and I got captured and sadly one by one the others got captured also. Thor was the last one to me captured and he brought all of you to the island with your suits so you could learn how to protect yourselves. And another thing, as soon as Sly or Laurance learn that Steve is their father a spell I put on them will break and well let's just say they will get a heck of a lot stronger physically. Anyway I need to tell you we are being held in Okasis, I have saved up a ton of my strength telling you this so sorry for the emotion thing I need to get you to be awake in your mind. And thanks to my son Sly you are, now goodbye. Hurry, I think their going to kill us soon as they know your coming for us but they want us alive to get your hear. There might me a trap." Scarrlot whitch says before the connection  ends and so do the waves. I fall asleep in my mind thinking of how suprized they boys would be about this. I managed to say threw out link "We're all be fine now, Thank you." Then I drifted off to sleep.

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