Alex and May found

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Alex: I was flying around with May searching for the stone that would hopefully bring Jess back to her human form. We have been looking for months and I finally said "Okay May, time to call quits. We're not gona find it anytime soon let's go back. They might need us." May nodded exsasted and we both flew into the air turning back around to the direction of Pheonix Drop we started flying there when some one called from below "Alex! May!" I stoped and looked down to see Steaven, Sly and Katz. I flew down quickly May by my side. "Hi guys! We couldn't fine the stone so we desided to come back." May said while rubbing her eyes. "Jess is back in human form, and we came to get you guys." Katz said. "Wonderful!" I said excited but kinda annoyed that we wasted all that time. We started heading back and when we about a 60 miles from Pheonix Drop Sly paled. We all stoped and I said "Sly?" He didn't respond still frozen in place. "Sly!" May said while wacking him across the face lightly in her super strength but very hard in normal streanth. Sly fell over and he said "Jess has been kidnaped, I just got withen distance of Sky,Jess, Max, Laurance, and i's link." No! She was kidnaped? No wonder he had gone pale! They bickered like siblings and there had been some love between them but it didn't work out and I pretty sure she was with Sky now. "Let's go." I said and we all got off our behinds and started out again faster now. May was sweating profusely and finally collapsed "I'm sorry I'm just to tired." She slurred before passing out. I narrowed my eyes and furled by brow, she never passed out from exhaustion. I placed my hand against her fourhead to bring it back quickly. She had a fever, oh great. "Guys! She's sick." I said and Sly picked her up and gave me a pointed look when I protested about to say I would. The look ment 'your tired two' 

Max: I was pacing the room, I had been given the job of when Sly got in mind linking range I would informe him of what had happened. Then suddenly I could feel him, "Sly! Jess has been kidnaped and we need you to return ASAP. Sky is injured also but will recover by tomorrow. Did you find Alex and May?" Pure shock went threw the link and stayed that way until a sharp pain in my face told me he'd been punched. He probuly zoned out and someone had punched him to make sure he was alright. I thought sarcasticly in my head 'yes that's what you do, punch a zoned out person in the face to make sure their okay. Any promblum with that? Oh no, you won't injure them!' "We're on our way and yes we did find them." Sly replied after a few minutes. Then I proceeded to tell him everything that had happened. "And her dad and brother Aaron are panicking slightly. Aaron knows how to painick calmly but Thor painick, painick." I said seeing Aaron coolly rub his hands together a habit I noticed he did when he was nervous or worried. "How can you Painick calmly?!?!" Came his reply and I laughed out loud. Then everyone except for Laurance stared at me as he had heard. I pointed at my head and they nodded and went back to work, all of them knowing how Sly could be. "Ask Aaron!" Was my replie but I could tell he sensed the laughter in the words. Jess must be unconscious otherwise we could contact her.

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