Garroth's Announcement and a compitishion

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Aaron: I was happy to see my sister back in human form though I had only seen her two times in her Pheonix form. "Jessica, what happened to Mjolnir?" Thor asked seeing Jess didn't have her hammer Katz, Steven and Kala had told me about. "It might have exploded......" Jess said hiding behind Laurance, Sky and Sky. "IT WHAT!?!?!" Thor said his godly voice rising loudly. Jess giggled and said "It exploded and also uncle Loki might be dead....." Thor looked sad then he said "I am sorry my brother and your uncle tried to kill you. And take the throne of your Asgaurd replica." Jess pecked out from behind the boys "Dad, what happened to the real Asguard?" Thor sighed and apsat back down his head in between his hands "It is gone, along with the other realms." Jess gasped and sat down next to her dad placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry father. I should go check on everyone." Jess said standing up and she motioned for Sky,Sly,Laurance and I to join her. We flowed other outside and watched her as she made her round taking up the rest of the day. Garroth walked up to Jes sand said sheepishly "Jess, your very good at planing things." Jess raised an eyebrow noticing Garroth was slightly sweating. "Would you plan an engagement party for Cadenza and I?" He said and Jess squealed and said excitedly "YES YES YES I WILL." Then her amulet started flowing and she said quickly "Oh would you like Kawi-chan to make the cake? Or I could have Lucinda make it. No I've got it I'll have a mini companion between them and they can both make a cake then the winner gets to make the cake for the wedding so at the engagement party you'll have two cakes!?! What color would you like it to be? Blue or orange? Orange was Cadenza's favorite color but I'm not sure about now?" The sky was now completed clear of any clouds and ten sun was ap shining perfectly and it had just the right breeze flowing threw it and the trees seamed to get greener and the birds sang more sweetly and Jess just glowed with excitement and Sky calmly placed a hand on her shoulder and she calmed down slightly and her amulet stoped glowing. "I think blue and orange would be nice, you'll have to ask Cadenza though." Garroth said then Laurance and Sly walked over to Garroth and gave him a big hug and Laurance said "I'm glad she said yes." Then Jess was dragging Sky to Cadenza's house talking about decorations and stuff. "Okay then!" I said and Laurance, Sly and I desided to go fishing as Sky was plenty able to take care off Jess. 

Hey guys Star here and I wanted to shave a little competition. Everyone who want too write a paragraph or more of the engagement party rember it's nit the wedding it's the endgame the party. You can write it in anyone's perspective or in third person! Use your imagination! I will totally use the best or maybe parts of multiple entries!M have fun writing and message me your chapter or paragraph!! 

Destiny Transformed (Book 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora