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Katz: I couldent move, I couldn't hear, I Couldent do anything. The buzzing was constant so I had gotten used to it but doing nothing and just being no were was very anoying. I was flying right? So did Venom take over and save us from falling to our deaths? Or am I dead? Suddenly the buzzing stoped, it was so abrupt I would have jumped if I could move. A small whispering noise was at the back of my brain and I try end to grasp onto it, on to anything that would get me out of this infernal stillness. "Come on! You can do it!" I heard faintly, I used all my concentration on that voice every ounze of determination I had. The voice was growing louder "That's it! Come on!" I heard the voice say, I identified it as Sly's voice. I concentrated harder and I heard another voice "Concentrate on or voices  and come." I identifying this voice as Laurance. I concentrated with all my streanth and suddenly I was pulled out off the dark stillness and back into reality. I opened my eyes and saw The top of a tent. "Katz!" I heard Kala's excited voice say.

Sly: -before Katz is woken up but five days after the separation- Katz would just not wake up. Venom was fine now and was telling us everything about their adventures of trying to find a Pheonix. Some were quite funny like when they pretended to be bakers to be let into a town. Katz was a terrible cook, Venom must have been telling him how. "Suddenly we smelt a burning smell and we relized the Cake we had made for the library lady was burning! We quickly put it out but had to start from scratch." Venom said laughing along with the rest of us. Two people would be watching Katz all the time right now it was Jess, and Sky's turn. "Guys, do you think he's under a spell?" Jess's voice cut threw my thoughts like a hot knife threw butter. "Maybe, would explain why he hasn't even twitched all this time. Except for breathing."  I replied zoning out of the baking conversation. Laurance then said "do you think it could be like the spell Zane had on Lucinda's dad and the lord of bright port?"  Whoever the lord of bright port was I dident know him. "Yes! Execpt Lucinda managed to get them out of that..... Wait could you and Laurance try looking into his mind? Maybe you could bring him out of his slumber!" Jess asked excitedly. "Sure." I replied just as Laurance said "I'll be right over." Both Laurance and I excused ourself to go to the tent we had Katz in. Jess and Sky were sitting by his bed. Sky was fast asleep softly breathing but had his hand on his sword should anything happen. He awoke as soon as we entered. "A good Gaurd always sleeps with one eye open. You make a great Gaurd." Laurance complimented Sky. Sky grinned and mock bowed, Jess cawed magesticly (CAW, CAW). "Ready?" I asked Laurance and he nodded. Then I used my powers to go into Katz mind, there was a bunch of memories in here but i wasn't looking for memories I was looking for Katz conciseness. I came to a locked door which had heavy magic around it and I felt Laurance also saw it. Both of us pried it open to see a dark blackness that we couldn't enter. But I sensed Katz was in the blackness he just couldent do anything because of an infernal buzzing noise. I silenced the noise with help from Laurance and his conciseness imedetly became more active. But it had nothing to grasp onto. "Come on! You can do it!" I yelled threw the blackness. I sensed he latched onto the voice and I called out again "That's it!! Come on!" He was coming closer to getting out of it and Laurance had relized what I was trying to do and he said "Concentrate on our voices and come!" Katz conciseness flew threw the door and back into his active mind. We were abuptly pushed out of it because we had not been expecting that and I opened my eyes to see Kala had just entered the tent. "Katz!" She yelled and rushed forwards to his now opening eyes. 

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