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Hey Guys Star here and I just wanted to say thanks for sticking with me! And one reason this chapters short might or might not be because my arm hurts. Now onto the chapter!

Dante: They explained everything to Kiki about Jess's transformation and Kiki said she didn't know anything about how to change Jess back. Kawi-Chan and Kiki were just talking to Jess with Laurance asking as an interpreter for Jess. I however was busy talking with Garroth. "Garroth, Jess will be leaving soon to go try to find this Katz guy. Don't you think her group is a little large?" (Guys comment who you want Jess to go with to find Katz. Sky, Laurance, Sly and Max are automatically going because they can understand her and Max because he doesn't want to deal with being a Lords Son. Who else would you like to go? Two other girls and one other boy will come. Vote on who you want it to be! bye!) "A little, I think she should go with the maximum of 7 people not counting herself." Garroth replied. 

Jess: "So when are you going to try flying?" Laurance asked me after Kiki and Kawi-Chan had left. Now only Laurance, Sky, Sly and I were in the room. "I'm not sure, still getting used to this form." I replied back and they all nodded their heads. "Jess, you'll have to try some time. Who knows when you will need to make a quick escape." Sly said. I sighed I knew they were right. "I'll try tomorrow. Now can one of you bring me to my room? I would like to try sleeping in the make shift fire that Lucinda made me." I replied. Sky held out his arm and I jumped on, he got up carefully and brought me up stairs. I saw the fire in the corrner of my room and he placed me beside it. "Thank you. I'll be in here if you need me." I told Sky. He nodded and walked out of the door. I looked around, everything seamed bigger because I was smaller. well shorter but the same thing, I steped warily into the fire then I felt the flames wrap around me. This felt so strange but very nice just the same. I stretched out my wings feeling so awake and alive. I looked acrross the room to my mirror and wondered. What had happened to the Amulet? Where was Mjolnir? I observed that my wings were the same shade of Purple as the Amulet and except for the random red, orange, yellow, Gold and Silver tipped feathers. Would I ever be human again? If I died would I rise from the ashes like Pheonix's were Leland to do or would I just die? My thoughts over welmed me and I feel asleep to the steady voices from down stairs.

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